
There's no way this is possible, we made sure he was put to rest. But here I am holding a piece of sketch book paper with Vinnys handwriting. It said get ready he'll be here soon. "Vinny?" There's no answer. I run downstairs where the guys were, like me they didn't believe it at first. Tears ran down my face, he's been here this entire time and none of us had picked up on it.

Outside the sky had turned dark and a massive black shadow rolled towards us. "Dakota!" I yell, "get the babies and go to the attic." There was no time to worry about how they'd behave for him. Black fog blocked the windows, when Angelo tried opening the door it wouldn't budge. TJ dropped to the floor screaming, I could hear a faint buzz, which to him is defening. Josh did his best to block the sound and relieve the pain. Glass shattered and the sound became louder, never once have I felt so vunerable. I cover my face as wind and glass wipped around us. It was like a glass tornado and we were in the middle of it. Mike yells from beside me. A large piece of glass had embedded itself in his thigh, he'd been trying to shield Matt but there was nowhere safe in this storm. We all push our way to each other putting Matt and TJ in the middle since Matt is smallest and TJ the weakest at the moment.

Everything went silent and just like that everything stopped. We scramble to the most injured which would be Mike and Angelo who had been closest to the windows when they shattered. We were all scratched up and bloody, Matt's face was covered in blood due to a gash on his forehead. Ricky fussed over him like he always did while I pulled the larger shards out of everyone, we were all dreading what could come next. "Someone needs to check on Dakota and the babies." Before anyone could move the sound of splintering wood came from the kitchen closet. Matt and Ricky visibly stiffen at the creatures who slunk from the basement, they looked like small shrivelled humans with large black eyes. The shrieking from thier mouths was much more horrendous than their appearance. While we were distracted a large figure of a man appeared behind us, he threw Ricky and I back. Our eyes meet with Satan himself, he wasn't at intimating as one would think but knowing his power put fear in all of us.

"What a lovely family gathering." He clasps his hands together with a grin, "and what's a family gathering without some bloodshed."

"Go back to hell." I growl.

"After I get my children I'll be on my way." He says in a chirpy tone. "You're welcome to come along." We glare at him in silence, did he really think it was going to be easy? We're going to fight with everything we got before letting him take Peace and Chaos. "So." Satan looks around awkwardly. "You guys want to fight? I thought this was a major crisis having to care for a spawn of mine, now you want to keep them?"

"I'm not letting you tear our lives apart again." I growl, Ryan grabs me before I can lunge at him. Satan chuckles stepping towards us, Ryans grip tightens around me growling at him over my shoulder. "How sweet, Ryan why don't you bring that pretty little thing over here so I can play with him." My eyes widen as his eyes turn black, his grip became bone crushing. I couldn't breathe.


The only thing I remember is holding Devin back then black. Now I'm standing in my childhood home bed room. There was a young boy sitting on the bed reading a book. He didn't seem to notice me. My fathers voice came from outside the door, he came in and tucked the boy in kissing him goodnight. I followed him out knowing this must've been the night he committed suicide. My mother waited in the bathroom with a prescription bottle in hand. "Have you made up your mind?" He nodded his head taking the bottle from her, "just remember our deal."  He called after her. He locked the door and began filling the tub. He stared into the mirror with pills in hand. I set my hand on his shoulder please stop, please don't do this. I love you don't leave me.  He looked in to the mirror at something behind him although I was invisible. "I'm sorry Ryan, please forgive me and never forget I love you." He sat in the tub and downed the pills, I watch painfully as the life drained from his eyes. I shut them and hung my head knowing what came next.

"Daddy?" The door knob jiggled until it was unlocked, my younger self peeked in at the horror inside. He ran to the tub, "daddy!" Sobs shook his small body, the only happiness he'd known had left him.


Devin gasped in my arms, I unwrap my arms and he falls to the ground coughing and gasping for air. He looked up at me in fear and uncertainty. What did I do?  Mike screamed from across the room, there was a large gash in his side and Satans claws were embedded in his throat. Chris was going crazy but was trapped inside what seemed to be an invisible box. The rest of the guys stood in front of satan while he laughed, I rush to Rickys side. He held me at arms length scanning me over before letting me closer. We watch in horror as blood pours from Mikes throat, Matt just stood there like a statue. I notice Ricky and Angelo in the same position. Devin walked up to satan, I don't know what he did but whatever it was caused him to scream and drop Mike. Chris was released and rushed over to him. In his moment of weakness Matt managed to slam him into the wall, he was quickly over powered and pinned to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I see Josh coming down the stairs with a knife covered in blood, no one had even noticed he was gone. He stared directly into Satans eyes and plunged the knife into his heart. Time slowed, TJ rushed to catch Josh, everyone was yelling at each other and rushing around. Rickys blue eyes met mine in pain as a thin metal stake pierced through his midsection, he'd been shielding Matt but it went through him also. Satan disappeared in black smoke. Time sped to a normal pace, all there is to see is loved ones screaming and writhing in their own blood.


The babies were quiet but restless, there were times Chaos' horns and teeth appeared scaring the shit out of me. Crashes and screams came from from downstairs, it must be bad. I held one in each arm and wedged myself in a corner

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