
The babies were quiet but restless, there were times Chaos' horns and teeth appeared scaring the shit out of me. Crashes and screams came from from downstairs, it must be bad. I held one in each arm and wedged myself in a corner. Screams from downstairs rattled my bones, I could just picture going downstairs and seeing my family dead in pools of blood. If that was the case I guess I'd have two little demon babies to take care of, that is if they weren't taken.

"Shhshh." I bounced a little trying to comfort Peace who'd started crying. The screams were bothering them both. While Peace was crying softly and sadly Chaos was screaming angrily. I closed my eyes, he's scaring me more than what could be downstairs. I look into the mirror across the room that was facing us. I saw myself, my face drained of color except purple bags under my eyes. In my lap were two baby boys, one calm and harmless, the other looking like he could burst into flame any second.

Kiss his forehead

I look around for the source of the voice. It didn't sound familiar.

Just do it, he'll calm a bit and I can't take all the screaming it's hurting my head.

The voice was soft but held a hint of annoyance. Hesitant to listen to mysterious voices I do it anyways. When my lips touched his forehead heat surged through my body, white hot rage courses through my body for a split second. My eyes open to two pairs of eyes looking up at me, both silent and no longer panicking. The screams from downstairs had also stopped.

Put them in their beds and go downstairs, they don't need to see it. If you hurry they may live, I'll talk you through.

Without a second thought I rush to a room and lay them in a crib with some blankets and toys to keep them busy. I take a second to mentally prepare myself before rounding the corner, could've used another second.  Everything and everyone was a bloody mess. The thing that disturbed me the most was the silver stake pierced through Ricky and Matts bodys. Next was TJ hunched over Joshs' lifeless looking body.

"Dakota." Devin gasped a few feet away, "get the stake out of them."

Make sure it's the right angle and do it quick. I do as the voice told me, they didn't move. Get a towel so Devin can stop himself from bleeding out. Done, wrap Mikes' throat and leg, drag Chris over to him. Chris was half conscious and dragging him across the floor was proven harder than it should have been. As soon as he became aware of his brother he shot up and began taking care of him. Wake up Angelo, he's not to injured and the others are severely.


My breath catches in my throat, where do I even begin. Dakota stood in front of me with blood on him, thankfully not his own. The less fatal wounds were already helped. Everyone would need stitches from the glass. Mike needed his throat stitched immediately.

"Chris baby." I gently tilt my boyfriends' head so he'd look at me. His eyes were glazed with veins popped because of panic and stress. I tightly wrap his arm where the deepest cut was bleeding. "Hold this cloth to Mikes' throat, don't press hard. When the bleeding slows put this salve on it." I had Dakota bring me anything he could find in the closet and my and Devins rooms.

Ryan who I thought was unconscious had dragged himself to where Ricky and Matt were laying. "Let them bleed, the silver releases toxins into their body. The best you can to is wait until we can get more blood and pump them full. They can survive on low amounts for a little while."

"Could I have them drink from me?"

"Stop yourself from bleeding and  wait for your body to replace what was lost. Right now everyone is bleeding so get some from them. Just not Mike or Chris, it'll make them sick."

I groan when I see Devin had dragged himself to Josh and TJ. He was still bleeding from his leg and could barely keep his head up. "Ange he's going to die." Tears were in his eyes. "His aura is fading."

That's not the only thing fading, a voodoo can't handle so much damage to the heart, needles yes, but a large knife coated in blood is deadly. He knew it to. "There's nothing we can do." The pain in TJs' eyes made me want to curl into a ball and shrivel up. He grabbed his chest, unable to scream or cry he lay his head on Joshs' bloody chest. We have now lost two brothers, they were selfless, Josh saved us knowing he would die. We may lose TJ also, he's lost his light.

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