
Josh and I had been sitting in this hospital room for a few hours. The doctor called and said TJ had made much more progress since we left. When I went to get the others Ricky and Ryan were in the middle of something and always get interrupted so I let them be. Mike and Chris had run off somewhere, hopefully Matt was supervising. Devin was busy researching how to get ride of the poltergeist, he'd put Vinny and Dakota to work by looking things up on the internet, probably so they'd stop bothering him.

Josh was intently watching TJ, I prayed to God he'd wake up. Josh would be so much happier and we all missed TJ. Suddenly the monitors go crazy and we're pushed out of the room by doctors.

Devin, get everyone and get to the hospital now.

What's going on? Is TJ ok?

I think so, just get over here.

Half hour later they all show up and the doctors still hadn't come out. We sat in the hallway not saying much, Josh leaned against me shaking. We're all nervous as hell. Ricky was quietly explaining to Dakota what was going on.

The doctors filed out of the room, "he's awake and stabilized, you may go in now but please be quiet and don't overwhelm him."

We all jump up but stop and let Josh go in first then follow him. TJ lay in the hospital bed looking weak and tired. He smiled when he saw us, "damn, what year is it?" We laugh softly, "you've been out for a year and a half." "Damn." He let out a loud breath. He saw Josh and held his arms out. He rushed to the bed throwing his arms around him, "I missed you." "I missed you to TJ, don't do that again." "I'll try not to." He lifts Josh's chin up gently kissing him. We cheered, "it's about time." Chris says.

TJ fell back onto the bed looking exhausted, "I've been sleeping over a year, I don't want to anymore."

"Your body's been working hard, rest and we'll come back later." I reassure him.

"Ok, but I want Josh to stay."



"Guys we need to find a way to get rid of that thing before TJ comes home. He's not strong enough to handle it right now." They all agree, Devin gives us all a pile of books and we get to work, now we had even more motivation to get rid of it.

Vinny groaned crawling into Devins lap, he got bored easily. Devin just strokes his hair and keeps reading, he probably had the most patience out of all of us. I was surprised Dakota was so determined to help, he hardly knew us but some people are more kind hearted than others.

"Found it!" Angelo yelled making us all jump. "Devin check this out."

We anxiously wait for Devin to speak, "is it really that easy?" He face palms, "I'm an idiot. Someone come to the store with me, preferably Angelo."

"Can I come?" Vinny jumps up.

"Of course babe."

A few hours later they come back with a shit ton of salt, sage, candles and a crucifix. Vinny had a bag of candy he actually decided to share with us.

Devin and Angelo told us to stay where we were while they set up everything. Devin made a circle of white candles in the living room with the crucifix in the middle.

"We put salt in all the rooms so it should be trapped somewhere close. Everybody sit around the candles holding hands. Whatever happens do not let go." He warns sternly. After we did as told he closed his eyes and began speaking in Latin. Nothing happened except the candles going out, they were quickly relight by, I assume, Chris or Mike. I felt a sudden pressure against my chest and pain in my neck. Dakota whimpered next to me, I held his hand tightly.

We shouldn't have had Dakota join in.

It's to late, Devin said not to let go. Angelo replies.

Dakota was suddenly jerked back by something stronger than Matt and I who he was sitting between. The circle was broke, a scream echoed in my ears, a scream I recognize as Devins. Ryan was checking on Dakota so I ran to him.

He continued screaming until I wrapped my arms around him. "It hurts to much." He whispered.


All I saw was Dakota hit the wall and Ricky rush to Devin who was screaming in pain.

Dakota was dazed but conscious which is a good thing. "My back hurts." He stated. I lift up the back of his shirt where there were long gashes. I help him up and lead him to the upstairs bathroom. He sits backwards on the toilet so I can clean him up.

"Everything ok?" Josh stood in the doorway. Dakota barely winced when I began to clean the gashes but Josh did. "You're such a baby." I tease.

"It hurts like hell."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm taking his pain for him. I did it to Devin to, that's why he stopped screaming." His face contorted in pain.

"Dude, I can handle it. Stop hurting yourself." Dakota said.

"No, it's fine. I need practice."

"Well practice the amount of pain you take."

"Good idea." He hissed in pain as Josh transferred some pain back. I tried to finish up quickly so they would stop. This was an amazing discovery for Josh but I hated to see anyone in pain, especially him.

"All done, I'll get you both some aspirin." They follow me back downstairs where Devin had his head resting in Rickys lap. My blood boiled although I don't know why. There's no reason to be jealous is there? It's when I came back out of the kitchen is when I boiled over, I could tell Vinny  was close also.

Devin now had his head burried into Rickys neck while he had an arm draped over his hip.

"Not trying to start shit but you guys seem awfully close." I stood in front of them with my arms crossed.

"Just tell them would you." Angelo groans.

"Tell us what?" Vinny stood next to me. They looked at each other then at Matt who gave them a look. "Someone better start talking."

They both stand up with a look of dread, we stood in silence until Devin spoke up. "From the time after Dalton till about fifty years ago we were together. There's nothing like that between us anymore." Devin fell to the ground in pain, Ricky went to help him but fell himself. Vinny gasped. "Did I do that?"

 "Did I do that?"

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