
Small amounts of light streamed through the curtains but not enough to bother my eyes. The air was clean and easy to breathe in. The mattress was soft and the blankets warm. This was heaven compared to the hell I've been in. I can't remember sleeping in a bed. I usually slept on a stone floor with a thin blanket, it was always cold and I woke up sore. Today I felt warm and in no pain. The bed shifted next to me, this must be Dakotas bed, he's been so kind to me. He stretched and moved closer to me in his sleep. I allow him to wrap his arm around my waist. I laid there a few minutes, content and not wanting him to wake up and pull away. But of course he did. "Morning." He mumbled, pulling his arm away, "how'd you sleep." "Good." I turn to face him but I didn't want to look him in the eye. "What's wrong." He brushed a strand of hair off my face, "you can talk to me if you'd like." Tears ran down my face making me feel weak, I've cried more in the past day than I have in a few years. I cry into his chest not caring, there was no reason to be strong anymore. The devil no longer had me in his grasp trying to break and destroy me. My parents weren't together anymore but that doesn't matter, I have them back and we're still together. I don't want to fight, I want to feel safe and right now that is how I felt. In the arms of a boy I hardly knew and in a house of people I loved and those they cared about. We were all damaged, physically or mentally but we're here, together.

"It's ok." Dakota pet my hair but didn't touch the top of my head. The devil would set his hand on my head and force me down to my knees as if I was bowing to him, never again would I do that.

I get as close to him as I possibly can enjoying the affection he gave me. The only positive attention I remember was from my parents before I was taken. I can't wait until my daddy woke up, he was the one who took care of me 24/7, dad was always in his room working on spells. Nevertheless they both loved me equally and I couldn't wait to be with them when they were healed.

He rubbed his hand up and down my back doing his best to comfort me. "It's ok." He whispered. "I know." I sniffled. "I'm just relieved. I don't have to worry or fight  anymore." He kissed my forehead, "and you never will again if I can help it."


The man stared back at me as I stare at him intensely from daddys bed. Daddy had waken up a few hours ago and we'd had time to get reacquainted.

"I see you and Ryan have met." He sat on the bed not taking his eyes off me as if I could pounce at any moment. Smart boy. "Please Sage, I know you're upset that me and dad aren't together but please try to at least tolerate it." I nod seeing their hands linked, if he's happy then I should be to. I give Ryan a small smile watching as they relax.

I got up to leave but changed my mind, I grab Ryans chin and lean down forcing him to look at me. "Keep him happy and I will be happy. If for some reason he's not I will kick your ass." He nods vigorously, daddy smirks, "and he's older than you, don't forget that." I give Ryan a smile and pat his head before walking out. I didn't worry about Vinny, he was like a puppy. Maybe I don't like Ryan is because he took daddys attention away from me.

I walk back to Dakotas room and sit on his bed hopeing he'd come in here. "Hey." A few minutes later he plopped down beside me. "What's up?" "Just waiting for you." I set my head on his chest. His heart beat inside his strong chest calmed me. "And why were you waiting for me." His fingers tangle into my hair. "Cause I like being with you." His free hand traced along my side and back. I sighed settling into him, this is what I've been craving. Simple affectionate attention.


A smile crept across my face, Sage was exactly where I thought he'd be. His eyes held so much horror and torment, seeing him sleeping peacefully and comfortably lifted weight from my shoulders.

"Babe." Ryan quietly walked up to me with Chaos in his arms. "Devins with Vinny but he's fussy, I don't know what to do." I take the baby from him and make my way to the living room where Mike was holding Peace. He was still unsure of what to think of the baby but was warming up to the idea.

Once Chaos was near Peace he calmed down enough for Ryan to take him back. As bad as this sounds I don't care much for the baby, my main priority is Sage. He's my baby and I have him back, that's all I care about right now.

"Does Sage hate me?" Ryan asked.  "Not hate, dislike maybe. He was probably counting on everything to be as how he left it. I think he's accepted that it isn't but doesn't like it. Just give it time, it's an adjustment for everyone." He nods in understatement. "I just want him to like me, he's your son and means the world to you." "You mean the world to me to babe. I love you both equally but in different ways." "I know." He sighs, "it's just that between Sage and Matt you won't love me as much." I put my hand on the side of his neck kissing him with as much emotion I could. Even if my attention was divided by several people Ryan was the one I loved romantically and that would never change. "I will never love you less because of others." He smiles kissing me back. "I love you to."

"Where's my baby?" Devin entered the room frantically. "I have him." Ryan handed Chaos over. "He was fussing so I took him." "Thank you." Devin took him back. I could tell he was in love with the child, maybe even more than he was with Sage. Time did things to people, he pushed painfull memories away while I held onto them for dear life.

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