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Come on Ryan you can do this. I grab Rickys hand and walk up the stairs to the hall my family rented out for occasions. My mom was waiting outside the room with a smile on her face. Is she actually happy to see me? Maybe, I mean she's not glaring and I'm still holding Rickys hand.

She did take a second glance at our entertwind hands but there wasn't disapproval in her eyes. Are you on drugs? She was quick to wrap her arms around me.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I'm sorry for treating you the way I did. I'm sorry for disowning you." I hesitantly wrap my arms around her not knowing what to make of the situation. "I don't expect forgiveness but I do love you Ryan." Her eyes were glassy.

"I..I don't know what to say." I still couldn't tell if she meant it. "Do you really want me to go in there?"

"Yes, if anyone says anything rude to you I'll take care of it. Now who's this young man?"

"This is Ricky my boyfriend." They nod their hellos with a smile. "Good to meet you Mrs. Sitowtski."

"Call me Marinda."

I was hesitant to go in but Ricky's  confident enough for the both of us. We sat with my mom who was with her brother, sister, and parents. Just fucking great.

What's wrong babe?

They especially hate me.

Your mom seems to be keeping them distracted enough. Do you think she means it?

I'm not sure yet. I hope so.

I hope it does to baby.

"You two are awfully quiet." My uncle says. "Who's your friend?"

"Ricky." He shakes my uncles hand. "Phil."

"He's actually my boyfriend." I put my arm around him with a burst of confidence. Now come the looks.

"I knew you'd end up a faggot."

"Father, please don't call my son that." There was thick tension at the table. "Why is he here."

"Because." My mom spit out. "He's family." I was shocked at what she said. "Lets sit somewhere else boys."

You still ok?

I'm just happy to get away from that table.

We find a table in the corner and talk about random things. Then we got to the dreaded topic of my childhood.

"I'm going to find the bathroom." Ricky excuses himself.

Wait, I want you here!

You'll be ok for a few minutes, you and your mom need to talk alone for a bit. And I really do have to take a piss.

Fine just be quick.

He kisses the top of my head before wandering out of the room.

"He's sweet."

"He is." I smile.

The conversation turns heavy when she brings up my fathers suicide and the events following. It wasn't something I wanted to talk about but it's progress to building a relationship with her right?

"Ricky hasn't been back for awhile." My mom states. "Do you think he's alright?"

"He's probably just wandering around looking at paintings in the other halls. I'll have to ask him to show you some of his work."

"I'd love that." It was starting to worry me, he hadn't talked to me for over half an hour. Maybe he's just giving me alone time with my mom, but he said he wouldn't take long.

"You know, I think I will go look for him. He might've gotten lost." But I knew he didn't get lost.


No answer. I follow the sign to the bathroom. The door was locked but a thump came from inside and I could hear my uncle and grandpas voices. Panicking I bang on the door. I search my pockets for something to pick the lock but it unlocked by itself. Did I do that?

"Let go of him!" They had him pinned against the wall, his face was bruised. I grab my uncle throwing him back, my grandpas eyes widened and he let him go.

"Baby I'm so sorry." I help him off the floor.

"Did you really think I was going to accept you." My mother sneered from the door way.

"Fucking bitch." I snarled, I grab Rickys hand and walk outside as fast as I could.

"I can't fucking believe this." I sit on the steps. "I was stupid and because of that you got hurt."

"It's not your fault." He sits behind me pulling me back to his chest.

"But you're hurt, I don't give a shit about them."

"I'm just fine, hardly a scratch." His bruises were already faded. "I didn't want to fight back to much in case I hurt them, but you had that covered."

"What do you mean?"

"First off you unlocked the door then you threw your uncle across the room. Maybe anger helps unlock your abilities."

"I don't think so, I was more scared when I did that."

"Hm." His eyebrows furrow. "This might not go as well as it could."

"What do you mean." I feel I'll be asking this question a lot.

"Anger is much easier to control than fear. Anger can be suppressed and let out in a healthy way while fear is hard to cure."

I don't like to admit it but a lot of things scare me. "So what do we do, it's not like I've done anything bad..yet."

"Lets hope nothing does, I'm sure you'll do just fine." He sighs at the buzzing phone in his pocket but answers anyways. "Hey Dev." .... "slow down I can't understand a word you said.".... "get everyone together"..... "no don't do that, Do whatever to keep it away until i get home, anything but that.... Ryan we need to go."

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