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Not having the will to even stand Ricky and Ryan held me up. I was numb to the cold, it was the beginning of winter. Tears couldn't run down my face anymore.

Chris and Dakota lowered the makeshift coffin into the shallow  grave. I made sure it had a few of his favorite things with him. A blanket of mine, his pocket knife, a journal since he loved to draw. It was blank, maybe he'd use it in the afterlife. We stood there for what felt like hours before watching the grave being filled back up. I turn to Ricky, "please take me home." My legs refused to work so he carried me.

"I'm sorry Devin, I should've done more to save him." A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Don't say that." I say sharply, "there's nothing any of us could have done." I look down at the blood staining my shirt, I'd never get the image of his face right before he dropped dead out of my head. Why Vinny? Why any of us? What really happened to TJ? How was Dakota not effected like the rest of the hunters? To many questions, stop thinking Devin.

Ricky lay me on his bed, no matter what had happend his smell always made me feel better even now that we are no longer in a romantic relationship. "Want to be alone?"

"No, please hold me. Ryan you to." I knew he was standing behind the doorway. Ricky brought me close to his chest, I draped a leg over his thigh. Ryan spooned me from behind reaching across with his hand on Rickys hip.

It was warm and comforting, my heart still ached but at least I was able to sleep.


I carefully crawl out of bed making sure my boys were warm enough. The heater needed fixed and nobody got around to it. As I was walking down the stairs it turned on. Who's up this early?

In the basement I saw Dakota's bottom half sticking out of the heater vent  (Idk what it's called).

"Shit." He jumped when he saw me. "I didn't hear you come down."

"Sorry." I laugh,  "thanks for fixing that."

"No problem, how's Devin?"

"Could be better, him and Ryan are still sleeping. Do you mind telling everyone I went to see TJ."



"Finally good food." TJ eagerly took a doughnut from the box. I smiled setting the coffee on the table beside the bed. "So how'd getting rid of the poltergeist go?"

"How'd you know that?"

"I was trying to help you but it shut me out right after I told you it was fear that made it powerful."

"Can't say I'm surprised. "I laugh. "I forget to never underestimate you."

"I know." He shoved another doughnut in his mouth. "I love you though."

"So when do you get out of here?"

"Tomorrow, I can't wait to see everyone."

"Not everyone, Vinny didn't make it."

"What?" Pain struck his eyes.

"The poltergeist was actually the devil. He possessed Vinny and when we cast him out he came back and stabbed him." Tears fell down his face.

"What else happen?" He asked a few minutes later. I explain what it said about my son, about Devin and Matt, about vinny, about last night. "What now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the devil has your son and is trying to reproduce. On Top of that he killed Vinny, what are we going to do about it?"

I put my head in my hands, "we'll figure it out."

"We better." He snapped.

"Mr. Bell." A doctor came in, "we decided to release you early."


"Josh's room is second on the left." I direct him upstairs after the rest of the guys were done hugging. Devin and Matt were still sleeping. Mike must've put Matt next Devin when he woke up. They both sleepily scooted closer to me.

"My tummy hurts." Matt groans. His stomach had gotten noticeably bigger. I set my hand on Devins seeing the same thing. He woke up groaning and clutching his stomach. I lift his shirt up seeing stretch marks.

Angelo, Dev and Matts stomachs have gotten bigger, they're in a lot of pain. Any idea why?

Most likely the baby is growing rapidly. Satan wants them soon.

How soon?

I'll come up.

"Lay on your back for me." He checked on Matt first since he seemed to be in more pain. His little body wasn't taking being stretched very well. The look on Angelos face said it wasn't good.

"Give it a month."

They look at me desperately, "it hurts." Matt crawls into my lap. Being small it felt as if he'd explode, and this was just the beginning.

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