
Devin- we should just tell them before this goes to far.

Angelo- what if something bad happens?

Devin- like what? They won't freak out as bad if something does happen. Which it will, the least we could do is prepare them.

Matt- devs right, remember what happened last time.

Ricky- I'd rather not think of that, we should've never gotten involved with humans again.

Matt- since when do you care about humans. You're the one who went on a killing spree.

Ricky- shut up Matt, that was a long time ago.

Angelo- both of you shut up. And Ricky he's right. You said you'd never care about a human again, seeing you and Ryan I see you've changed your mind.

Ricky- I didn't mean for it to happen.

Devin- you never mean for things to happen sweetie, just try to stay in control.

Angelo- stop being so fucking nice, he's the reason why we've been on the run for hundreds of years.

Matt- you know that's not fucking true, we're all to blame equally.

Angelo- well if it weren't for your big brother we would've never gotten caught.

Matt- if it wasn't for your slutty ass we wouldn't have either. Stop playing innocent whore.

Angelo- how dare you speak to me that way you little bitch.

Ricky- learn what lines not to cross Angelo, when it comes to Matt I won't hesitate to rip your fucking throat out.

Matt- Rick it's not worth the fight, he's just throwing a fit. We're all scared and need to give each other a break.

Angelo- I'm not scared

Ricky- so you're not scared that Chris could get hurt, killed even or is he just another one of your toys.

"That's enough!" Devin yells out loud. "Fighting isn't helping and Angelo I can't believe you. I really thought the asshole side of you was gone. Or is it cowardice that's causing you to act this way?"

His eyes get glassy, "I'm sorry, and yes I'm scared. I don't want to go through this again."

"I'm sorry for loosing my temper." We go around apologizing to one another before turning to the confused humans. We knew we could be assholes to another especially under stress but hated being mad so we made up fast.

They look at me to speak which wasn't always the best idea. "So we're not human, Devin and Angelo are witches, me and Matt are vampires." I flash my fangs, "we've been around for... for awhile, I lose track. We've been on the run for awhile and hunters are still trying to kill us cause I guess we did some bad shit."

"Way to go Rick, just spit it out like that."

"Someone had to talk."

They stared at us in disbelief, at least nobody fainted. Angelo nervously looked at Chris who surprisingly let him sit next to him.

"So.. everything else you've told us about your pasts, is that true?" Ryan asks quietly.

"Yes, Devin figured out how to manipulate time where he could make us younger in human years. The problem was was that we got separated so we only did it that one time. We thought it would throw the hunters off track but it's proven otherwise." I explain to the best of my ability.

"What about TJ?" Josh asks from the corner. They were all taking this rather well.

"He's a neko, he was poisoned. Thankfully you found him when you did or he would've been dead." He nods slowly letting it sink in.

"Why are they so set on killing you?" Kuza asked playing with Matts fingers.

"Dev and Angelo were suspected of killing dozens of people when in reality it was hundreds."

"They all deserved it." Devin shrugs.

"The way they lured many of them wasn't necessarily called for but that's none of my business." Angelo glares at me, he couldn't hide that he was a slut forever. Chris had a right to know. Devin was to but he never used sex to lure people to their deaths unless he had to, Angelo did it for the pure enjoyment he got out of it. But like I said, none of my business.

"Matt and I were accused of being vampires but weren't found out until I went on an angry killing spree, killing couple hundred, thousand maybe people."

The color drains from Ryans face, "why would you do that?"

"The person I loved more than anything tried to kill me. He was a hunter, that's how we were all found out. I trusted him enough to let him into our circle and he betray me. I sucked him dry along with everyone he knew and their families. They helped me kill them all, more hunters found out about it and were of course angry."

"Where does TJ play a part in all this?" Josh asks.

"Tj is the only innocent one. He could never hurt anyone. Because of everything we let him be exposed to is what drove him to drugs. He wanted to forget everything he'd seen. All he wanted to feel was safe, we tried to get him to go with his own kind but he refused saying he'd rather die than not be with his family. The most pure of us got what we all deserved." My eyes tear up. "If you're smart you'll decide to want nothing to do with us, all we leave is a path of destruction." The other three stand and walk behind me.

"He's right, anyone associated with us will never be safe."

"No." Chris clutches Angelo to his chest. "Your all we have, although we're kinda horrified it doesn't change that we love you."

"Without you there's nothing go back to." Vinny laces his fingers with Devins.

Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist, "please don't make me go." Josh not knowing what to do grabbed onto Devins sweater as if to prevent him from leaving. Hot tears soaked my shoulder, making my heart shatter.


"Yes darling?"

"When you said 'i know you won't hurt me like he did' you told me about your father. Were you really referring to him?"

I take a deep breath at the dreaded question, "partially, what he did was horrible but me and Matt have gotten over it, he was our original father, also a hunter. My mom didn't know he was but kept it a secret. It was hard when all her children came out vampires. When he killed my sister he thought she'd been bitten not born so it wasn't until later he tried killing the rest of us. He got me first to get me out of the way except he missed my heart about half an inch. By the time I woke up my mother was already dead but I was able  to kill him before he got to Matt.

What I said to you I was referring to the one who also turned out to be a hunter, in my eyes everything about him was perfect. When it came to love and trust he was right behind Matt." My brother does and always will come before anyone including myself

A peaceful silence followed, not due to them letting it sink in but because Devin was making them calm. Added stress wasn't good for them or us. We led our special humans to bed, today was exhausting for everyone.



"You're not planning on sucking me dry right?"

"Of course not darling." I gently kiss his lips.

"Oh and Ricky, what was that thing in the mirror?"

"Something only I have to worry about. Now get some sleep, I'll be back in a bit."

I stood in the doorway until he fell asleep then waited in Matts doorway until Mike was asleep.

"I need to show you something."

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