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A/N You might recognize him from my other book 'secrets in the hotel' I'm just using the same image.


"We have no intention of hurting you, could you tell us your name?" We sent Josh to talk to the young hunter since he had the softest voice and was far less intimidating than the rest if us. "I'm Josh."

"Dakota." The boy said quietly but with confidence.

"I'd like to untie you, promise you won't do anything?" Dakota nodded his head. We'd only tied a rope around his one wrist in a way he couldn't get out. Josh cuts him free and the boy sat there calmly.

I knock lightly on the open door, "mind if I come in?" I make eye contact with the boy. He nods and Josh walks out. "I'm Ricky, like Josh already said we aren't going to hurt you." Although he looked calm I knew he was terrified. "Are you hungry?" He nods. It was late afternoon so he's been in here a good twenty four hours.

Ry could you bring up some food.

"This it Ryan, Ryan this is Dakota." I figured introductions would make him feel more comfortable. Ryan hands him a bowl of macaroni.

It's what Chris handed me, I'll get something more nutritional in a minute .

"Thanks." He scarfs it down along with the juice Ryan brought.

"Need anything else?"

"No but thanks babe." I turn back to Dakota, "so how old are you?"

"Nineteen, you?"

"Two hundredish."

"Damn, who are the others."

"Me, my little brother and Ryan  are vampires,  Chris and Mike, brothers also, are demons. Devin and Angelo are witches of sorts. Josh and Vinny are voodoo dolls. We have another friend who's been in a coma, he's a neko."

"That's an odd mix."

"It is." I laugh gently, "but we're one big family. Question, how'd you get into hunting."

"It was more forced, I hate killing innocent creatures just as much as I hate my father. Thank you for ripping him to pieces by the way."

"Shit, I'm sorry." Now I felt even more guilty.

"No really thank you, he treated me and my mom awful."

"Where's your mom?"

"Died when I was eight."

"Sorry about that, my mom was killed when I was young."

"Mind if I stay here?" Ryan came in with more food. Chicken, potatoes and some fruit this time.

"Yes, please and thank you." Dakota takes the plate. He did look malnourished.

"Were you taken care of?" I asked with concern.

"Kinda, I have clothes but not much food. I'm alright though."

"Not enough clothes, it's getting cold." He had jeans and long sleeve. "I'm sure we can find clothes to fit you."

"That'd be great, although I feel bad. I mean you didn't kill me and now you're giving me food."

"Don't worry about it." I laugh, "besides I like you, you're a nice kid." He smiles as if he's never heard a compliment before.

Ange, got any clothes to for Dakota to wear? He's about your and Ryan's size.

Yeah, be right there.

The Mirror Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz