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You don't make a sound, you don't make a sound as the tie your feet, when they tie your hands behind your back. You look at me with confidence while he looks on with disgust. Please mother do something, save your children, save yourself. They want me.

In a twisted turn of events my babies are ripped from my side. I scream and fight but it's never enough. They tie them together, my innocent brother and sister. They make me watch as they're burned alive. Mother please save them. But there's nothing you can do. Your beautiful face is light by raging fire. You look at me through the flames, no fear or regret in your eyes. Please don't leave me.


They scream and mock me. "Witch" "whore" "burn in hell." There's nothing I can do.

The water is dark and harsh, either way this ends in death. Fear is not an option. I'll die like she did, no fear, no regret, confidence. Don't give them any satisfaction.

I held my head high and walked off the edge before they could throw me. As I already knew, I didn't sink. How do I not give them satisfaction now? Something grabs my feet pulling me under.

They will never had satisfaction.


A sob escapes my throat attracting unwanted attention. It's not the time for this Devin. I internally scream at myself. It happened years ago. It did happen years ago but you can never truly get over your own father betraying you. He was the one to had ordered we be burned. My siblings and my mother were burned in front of me. My father had hope I wasn't one of them so to test it they threw me in the river. I'll never forget the look one his face when I didn't go under. By some miracle something pulled me under and I survived obviously.

Life started looking up especially when Vinny joined our group of lost boys. Something about the kid was so innocent, he'd had a rough life but you would never know it.

In a way he reminds me of the babies I lost. All I wanted to do was take care of him, to make sure he was safe and happy. To fill the emptiness inside me.

"Mr. Sola." My head shot up, "Mr. Mauro refuses to calm down until he sees you." I rush down the hallway where doctors are holding him down while his skin turned a light shade of blue. I push them away and gently cup his face in my hands. His gasps quieted and his face turned back to normal color.

"I'm staying here, don't hurt him." I growl. They say nothing, quickly getting to work hooking him to an oxygen tank and checking his vitals.


"Bats come here." I throw a dead spider, laughing when he shrieked.


"You love me." He sighs "yeah I do." I lean down to kiss my baby bat. "Lets look around outside." He says grabbing my finger. Yes he's that tiny compared to me. It's rather adorable.

We walked around the outside of the house seeing if we could find anything of interest. Earlier we'd found a couple voodoo dolls in our room. Matt stomped on something.

"What are you doing?" I raise an eyebrow. "It sounds hollow." My curiosity got the best of me and I started clearing dirt and leaves away. There was a small door but we couldn't get it open.

"Must be a cellar or something." It was leaned against the house. "We should go to the basement and see if it opens from there." Matt drags me back into the house. Kid has way to much energy. I like to call him kid one, it irritates him. Two, he's eighteen while I'm twenty-three, older than his big brother who's twenty-one. Since moving in I've been exhausted spending most of my time sleeping. Considering I'm practically an insomniac I'm slightly concerned. I usually hold Matt so he can sleep and watch him since he has nightmares. Now he's watching me and having trouble falling asleep. He probably thought the fresh air would wake me up and the activity would make him tired but it was the opposite. I falling asleep standing up and he was refraining from jumping around like a kid on sugar.

"Baby I don't have much energy right now. I'm sorry, maybe we could look later." He pouts but doesn't argue.

"Mikey I can't sleep." I cradle him to my side, he had purple bags under his eyes and I felt bad. He could always sleep when I was with him. Maybe Ricky could get him to sleep, Matt tended to go to him.

As if he read my mind Ricky walked in and Matt went to cling to him complaining how tired he was. He sat him on his lap, but he couldn't keep his eyes shut. He was just zoned out.

"Mike what the fuck is this?" Ricky demanded. There were bruises shaped like fingerprints on the side of Matts neck. "I don't give a shit if this is some sort of kink of yours, if you hurt my brother in anyway I'm swear I going to fucking kill you."

I stare at him in shock and confusion, "I didn't do that." I should've known better than talk back to him when it concerned Matt even though I didn't do it. I would never hurt my baby, but he's Rickys baby to so I can't blame him for being protective. "Well then what's this? He obviously didn't do it himself!" I expected Matt to end this but he was still zoned out. "I swear to fucking God Mike.."

"What the fucks going on?" Now Chris is involved, this is just great. Note the sarcasm. Ricky showed him Matts neck. He looks at me with a disappointment in his eyes.

"You really think I did that?" Now I'm pissed, "have I ever hurt him?... no!" Matt gasped as if he'd been holding his breath. "Stop yelling, he didn't do it." He breaks away from Rickys hold and runs to me. I move his hair to get a better look at his neck. The prints were to big to be mine. "What happened baby?"

"Tha.. that thing from last night. Don't you remember?"

"No, what are you talking about?"

"It was after we got out of the shower, we went to bed. I heard something and got up. I was pinned to the wall by my neck but you got him off me." I look at him blankly. "I'm not making it up." Tears form in his eyes.

Ricky gently pulls him back into his arms. "I'm sorry for yelling Mike, it was uncalled for." I nod at his apology, confused as to what Matt said. Before I could ask anymore questions he'd already taken him upstairs leaving me and Chris staring at each other. Now that I think about it it's wierd not seeing him with Ange.

"Do you know what's going on?" Chris shook his head, "whatever  it is Rickys got it covered. You know he didn't mean to yell at you like that. He's just protective."

I nod, "he has every right to be, I'm not mad. But I am worried, what Matt said made no sense. I would pass it off as a nightmare but not with those bruises."

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