
You want to know what really sucks? Having all these people look to you and not have any answers. It was stressful and when I get stressed I get pissy and distant, definitely not a good trait for someone who's supposed to be the 'leader' of the group.

"You ok kitten?" I grin at the nickname. Little did he know that's what Dalton used to call me. (A/N I don't think I mentioned a name when Ricky was talking about his first love)

"I'm alright." I sit in his lap. His hand was on my hip the other was rubbing my back. This was just what I needed to forget for awhile. No I'm not talking about sex, just being close to Ryan made me feel better. Did I feel safe with him? Not necessarily, there's much that can harm me. It was more of an emotional safe. He was calming, with him I felt everything would be ok. It was just what I needed to push me along.

His phone rang but kept his hold on me.

"Hello?" I could hear the other line, it was a woman and by the unpleasant look on his face it was most likely his mother.

"Hello darling, how are you?"

"Very good actually." He gave me a little smile.

"Happy to hear. I would like to meet you somewhere tomorrow, say around 11am at a coffee shop."

"Uh ok, I'll see you then."

"You're really going to do it?" I ask.

"I guess." He takes a deep breath. "But lets not think about that now, I wanna spend time with you." He kisses me before I can say anything, it was slow and passionate. Just the way I like it. My lips trail down his neck in search for a sweet spot. A low moan told me I'd found it. I lightly sucked on it making sure not to leave a hickey since he was seeing his mom tomorrow morning. With out my control my fangs elongate. I pull away quickly, I haven't fed in awhile.

He gives me a hurt puppy dog look, "did I do something?"

"Not at all baby boy, your blood smells good that's all."

"Oh." He nods in understanding, "you can bite me."

"I haven't fed in awhile, I'm afraid I'd drain you. But thank you." I say kissing his forehead.

I call Josh in the room before going downstairs to get some blood, we  weren't comfortable with anyone being alone. Matt and I had went hunting a few nights ago. Much to my surprise he was in the kitchen also, without Mike, it wasn't often we saw them more than ten feet of another.

"I put him to sleep with Chris, Angelo's in there of course. I was scared I'd bite him so I came down to eat."

"Same here, Ryan's with Josh. I should put them to sleep also, they're still stressed from earlier." He nods handing me a blood filled cup. He knew just how I liked it. Not that I was picky but if I had a choice I liked it hot.

"Something on your mind." It was more of a statement than a question.

"When we went to see TJ he was starting to respond by moving his fingers. Right for yes, left for no. I asked him things about what's been going on and he seemed to know as you saw. It makes me think that he's been  seeing things in his coma."

He nods, "do you think he'll wake up soon?"

"I think so."


"Anything happen while I was gone?" I ask Ryan and Josh who were sprawled on the floor  laughing.

"Just Ryan being a dumbass." I smirk and climb under the covers, sleep sounded good right now.

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