
"Dude it's just a mirror." Matt scans it over.

I run my finger over the hairline crack but came back with nothing. My reflection was normal, "this doesn't make sense." I mutter. "Devin, take a look."

He walked up to the mirror staring deeply into it. "It's a trapped spirit, it's angry and out for blood."

"That's what you got out of looking at it, how come I didn't see anything."

"Matt sweetie, just because you can't see something doesn't mean others can't." Matt still doesn't understand Devins abilities fully.

"Do you know why?" I take a step closer

"Not yet, give me some time alone. It needs to trust me first."


Once the three left I was able to focus more. I could see slight images of a boy, they weren't clear but I could tell he was maybe early to mid twenties. His eyes were filled with sadness and rage, he slowly crept closer.

"I see we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Devin, I also go by Ghost if that's what you'd like." I say softly. His eyes bore into mine as if he were trying to intimidate me. It takes a lot more that sweetie.

The boy disappears being replaced by my own reflection. It didn't follow my movement instead it stood up with a knife in its hand, the knife I'd use to kill my victims with. Blood covered the thing and it laughed like a maniac. Flash backs from those days went through my mind. I screamed at the feeling it gave me. I am a monster.


Well shit, didn't see that coming.  I don't know if I should be terrified or mesrimized. The four  (and TJ) always had something about them but I never suspected this. I look over at Matt and Kuza. Kuza didn't look scared, he kept admiring Matts fangs. Ricky had gone off somewhere and Devin was in the attic leaving poor Vinny wide eyed sitting on the floor. Angelo and Chris were talking in the kitchen so I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"What did Ricky mean when he said you killed a bunch of people?"  Angelo didn't answer.  "And what did he mean when he said you used sex to lure and kill them."

"He meant exactly what he said." Angelo snapped, he never snapped like that at Chris. "It was a long time ago and I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm sorry." Chris' voice cracked, he ran into me as he walked out. I tried stopping him but he pulled away.

"Way to go Ange."

"Shut up Ricky." He must've walked in the door and stopped when he heard them.

"You know he didn't deserve that and he has every right to know. He cares about you Angelo and I know you do to. We don't need anyone to be arguing with each other especially now. Stop being a little bitch for once."

"I don't want to talk about it ok! Don't you understand that? I did some really shitty things, I'm a murderer a fucking whore. How do you think he'll feel about that?"

"I think he'll be hurt but not as hurt if you don't tell him. He loves you Ange, adores you for fucks sake. What are you so scared of?"

"I can't forgive myself, I don't want to face it." He says quietly. "I killed so many innocent people because I enjoyed it. At least Devin made sure they deserved it." He was crying by now.

"We've all made huge mistakes, it is going to eat at you your entire life but you have to at least try to let it go. Talking about it can help. Please, I hate when any of us fight." Ricky says softly.

Angelo walks out giving me a small smile before heading upstairs. "Ryan baby, I know you're standing behind the doorway."

I step out, "so, um." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You're not scared of me now are you." He asks quietly.

"No, I'm just a little shocked."

"That's understandable. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

"You already explained what happened, which is terrifying but I can understand why you'd do it."

"Any other questions?"

"What's up with Angelo, he never seemed capable of being a whore as he put it."

He laughs, "hard to believe but yeah, he also had someone rip his heart out. Literally actually, he trusted a human like I did. She found out about us and sent her brother, who was a hunter, to kill him. We all attacked him and the men with him. They knocked Devin out and put a stake through Matts stomach. I was out for awhile but saw them rip Angelos heart out and my brother and Devin laying on the ground. My rage gave me enough energy to kill them all. Devin woke up and got to work fixing Ange while I helped Matt. The wood had splintered and made him sick. Devin head had been hit hard enough that his head got all screwed up. Angelo was never the same, his heart had been physically ripped from his chest but the emotional pain was worse. He wanted to kill the girl who'd done it to him so that's what we did. The other two weren't strong enough at the time so it was just me and him. I held her still while he stabbed her and ripped her heart out. He took it and the body home and gave it to Matt and Devin. Dev took some blood and body parts for spells and Matt drained her. Angelo sat back and watched, he was laughing, he enjoyed seeing her body be destroyed. Afterwards is when he became a whore, I assume to make the pain go away. It was never enough until he found Chris, but he's scared he'll hurt him. I doubt he will, he's still pure deep inside."

"How long have you guys been together?"

"Me and Matt are brothers so forever and I'd say we're somewhere around mid seventeenth century along with Dev and Ange. Me and Matt didn't have a house and just roamed around. We saw smoke and I felt the need to check it out. Angelo was about to be burned along with a few others. The others were already dead but for some reason he wasn't so we took a chance and saved him. He was burned badly but knew ways to treat it. Few years later we came across another witch trial, this time by water. We watched from the trees, Devin was thrown in and stayed above water. I teleported myself to him and pulled him under so they'd assume he was dead. I found TJ  when he was just a kitten abandoned in the woods. We traveled around awhile until we ran into trouble, Angelo was seriously injured and needed somewhere safe to heal. While we were there Matt got really sick.."

"Wait I thought vampires couldn't get sick."

"Usually we don't but there's things we can catch that humans can't. But anyways we ended up staying until the situation with Angelo and the hunter came up.  Anything else you'd like to know?"

"Yeah, why do you like me? I'm a human."

"What's not to like? You're attractive, weird, plus you remind me of a good friend I had when I was young." He smiled sadly, "he was actually my first love. One night we went hunting and split up. We were using telepathy like we always did when we were apart when he stopped communicating back. I knew something was wrong and went to find him. I found him with a stake through his heart. Since then I refuse to let those I love out of sight in fear of losing them."

I nod in response setting my hand in his. "I can't replace what you've lost but I'll do my best to make you happy."

He smiles, "you don't have to try to do that." He places a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Aww, that's cute." Matt coos from the doorway.

I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him in for a sloppy kiss.

"Ok I'm out." Matt disappears from the doorway. He laughs and pulls me in for more. His mouth tasted like cotton candy, smoke and a tang. Blood maybe, not something I'm going to think to much about. My hands wrap around his waist pulling him closer. As we pulled away I saw his eyes flash.

"Your eyes flashed purple."

"They did?"

I nod, "hm." He smiles, "good."

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