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"I'm so hungry." Matt groans. "I'm getting sick of animal blood."

"Then you'll be happy with what I've got outside." He eagerly follows me out to where I'd gathered all the hunters. "Should we keep a one?"

"I don't see why not." Matt shrugs so I pick out the youngest one, he couldn't be over seventeen.

"Release or no?"

"Only enough for a little struggle, I'm not up for a chase right now."

We lunge at our first victim, he tasted bland but we drain him anyways. The next three I let go a bit more so they could fight. We enjoyed the struggle and screams as if any of it would help. For hunters they were rather weak minded. Such a shame, I expected much better of them.

Matt already finished off his two but I saved one and let him go completely. My animalistic side was screaming to get out, my eyes turned red, the man tried to run. I let him get about twenty feet until teleporting right on front of him. I rip open the veins in his wrist, some blood would be lost but I need my fix.

"You won't kill me!" The man yelled.

"Stupid human, even if I don't drain you, you'll bleed out." I slowly dig my claws into his throat, the gurgling sounds pleased me. Not being able to hold back any longer I sink my fangs into his throat moaning as the wonderful taste. To bad it was gone but I wasn't done. I bite into him tearing chunks of flesh from his dead body. How I've missed this.

Once the body is entirely mutilated I turn away to see everyone had come outside to watch. I growled walking towards them, stop it dumbass you've had enough. My eyes fixated on Angelo, I can't stop.

He runs inside and I lunge at him. "Ricky stop!" Devin threw himself at me. I feel my eyes turn and my claws and fangs retract. Once I have control of myself I pull away and walk inside. I feel guilty, I messed up.

"Angelo?" Chris puts his arms around him protectively. I put my hands up. "I lost control and I'm sorry."

"I doubt you're sorry."

"I'm serious, it scared me just as much as it scared you, I'm sorry."


I huff and go to my room where I assume Ryan went. I hardly get in the door when I was thrown into the wall. I really fucked up.

"Shit, I didn't mean to do that."

"It's ok Ry, sorry that I scared you."
He timidly crouched next to me.
"If even you lose control sometimes how am I supposed to not lose control."

"Fuck." I put my head in-between my knees. "I'm not going to make up some bullshit excuse so I'm going to say it as it is. No matter how hard one tries we all lose ourselves at times. Last time I did is when I lost Dalton, this is absolutely nothing to what I did when that happened."

"Why did it happen this time?"

"I don't know."

"It sacred the shit out of me seeing you like that."

I hung my head in shame, I just terrified the people I cared most about. The ones who looked to me for guidance. The other three have seen me like this but the others not so much.

"How come you calmed down when Devin grabbed you?"

"We're close, he has that effect on others."

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