
"Bat baby, where'd you go?" Last I checked he was sleeping but when I went to check on him he wasn't there.

My blood runs cold, a scream had come from the basement. I didn't recognize it but it worried me. Despite being told to never go down there I went anyways. It was dark but I was still able to see. I walked towards the sound of struggle across the room.

"Mike get out now!" Matt yells firmly. Someone grabs me from behind. A growl escapes my throat and I throw them off. He hit the wall ten feet away but I wasn't worried about that. I was more worried about the sight in front of me.

My little bat had a rather large man pinned to the ground and was ripping his throat out. The guy was still screaming and struggling. After a few minutes of nothing but soft moans from Matt draining the guy he finnaly looked up at me.

"I told you to leave." He says catching his breath.

"You were in trouble right?"

"Kinda, they were hunters. I heard something so I came down and they attacked me. Are you ok, you could've been seriously hurt."

"I'm fine, the guy that grabbed me is over there. I knocked him out."

"Weren't you standing there?" I nod. "You threw him ten feet." He checks his pulse. "He's dead and his skulls broken. How the fuck did you do that?"

I shrug, "adrenaline I guess."

"This is more than adrenaline."

Ricky walks in taking a look at the hunter. "This is nothing a human could do. And look at this." He lifts up his arm, "he's burnt.


"Why won't you tell me?" I yell at Angelo. He's been avoiding everyone since the Ryan and Mike situation a week ago.

"I don't know if you can handle it." He says calmly.

"Just tell me." I say trying to calm down.

"Get Ryan."


I stare at him waiting for him to speak. Ryan shifted uncomfortably so I grabbed his hand setting it in my lap to comfort him and give me something to fidget with.

"His auora was the same as Daltons except much weaker meaning he was also a born vampire but as it was passed through the family it lessened, that's why we never caught on. Most of his family most likely aren't like him."

I turn to Ryan starring deep into his eyes. It all made sense, why I was drawn to him, why he was the one I felt safe with. He was taking the news rather well. I on the other hand was holding back sobs, the last time I actually cried was when Dalton  died. Now it  was as if he'd come back to life.

He pulled me to his chest, holding me just how Dalton  would when I was upset. I pull myself together and turn to face Angelo. "Is there a way to make him stronger?"

"I'm sure there is, we'll have to do some searching"

"Ricky!" Matt yells from upstairs. "Something's wrong with Mike!"

"Angelo!" That was Josh.

I run into Matts room first, Mike was on the floor shaking uncontrollably. The temperature in the room was hot. I run to Angelo and Chris' room to find the same thing. Angelo looked at me, panic written across his face.

I run back when Matt screamed from the other room. Devin ran into me when I froze. Mike was on fire, he wasn't burning or screaming. He was enjoying it. Through the flames I saw two black horns poking through his skull.

"Demon." Devin whispers,  "they're demons."


I watch in fear and delight as flames engulf my body. I saw Angelo starring and smiled so he'd know I was ok. I was more than ok.

C- How the fuck do I stop?

M- I don't know bro, but this is awesome!

C- Mike?

M- Yup

C- This is awesome! How are we doing this?

M- I heard Devin say demon, so um yeah... hey I stopped.

C- How?

M- Just switch it off.

The flames disappear and my Angel rushed over to me. "Are you ok." I smile and nod. The rest of the guys walk in.


"So Ryan's a vampire, Chris and Mike are demons. What are you two going to be?" I turn to Josh and Vinny.

They look at each other, "me and Vin were wrestling around the other day. I hit my head on the edge of the coffee table and Vinny felt it."

"Oh and I didn't mention this but a few weeks ago I was playing with a frog. I had it in a container so it wouldn't get away.  Then I was carving a stick with my pocket knife and cut myself. Once it stopped bleeding I went to check on the frog.  It's leg had been cut off."

"So both of you are like voodoo dolls."

"You say that so casually." Josh mutters.

"From all we've  seen this isn't nearly the most surprising. You guys all must've had a creature in your bloodline or been bitten or turned when you were younger. It would make sense since we're just now finding out about it."

"I don't like this." Vinny was clearly upset, "What if I hurt someone?"

"We'll help you, we'll help all of you." I reassure them. "For now you and Josh be careful, if you do get hurt don't think or look at anyone. Chris and Mike, don't light shit on fire."


"Baby just wear what you always do." Ryan was nervous as hell and I couldn't blame him. There were clothes thrown all over the room and he kept muttering to himself.

"Ry." I grab him by his shoulders. "Breathe for a minute." I give him a kiss before letting him go.

He picks up a dress shirt and a korn shirt. "It's up to you." I shrug.

"That's not helpful." He groans. I sigh and pick through the clothes. "How about this." He smiles taking it from me, I roll my eyes with a smile before cleaning up the clothes he'd thrown around.


"Hey handsome." The black button up looked good on him, really good. He grins goofily at the compliment. I threw my goofball his boots and leather jacket.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

"Ugh." He dramatically looks through my side of the closet before pulling out a black long sleeve, biker boots and my favorite jacket. I put it on skipping the eyeliner and shoving my messy hair under a beanie.

"Am i going as your friend or boyfriend." I ask starting the car.


"You sure, cause I'm ok with going as a friend."

"I'm sure." He kisses my cheek.


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