The moon shone beautifully on the mirror like lake. But nothing could compare to the creature in front of me. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight. A small laugh left his perfect pale lips. I run my hands down his smooth body

"I caught you." He smiles

"Caught me doing what?" He swims over touching  his soft lips to mine. I run my hands down his body, feeling every curve and little imperfections I adored.

"I love you Ghost."

"I love you forever."

"I'm all yours forever."



"Did I do that?" Devin glares at Vinny. "Yeah you fucking did."

I look at Ryan who had daggers in his eyes. "Why should we believe that there's nothing going on because it sure seems like there is."

"I promise Ryan, there isn't."

"While you're already pissed why don't you tell them the rest of the story."

"Shut up Angelo." I yell.

"Tell us." Vinny demanded. Devin gave me a helpless look. "Might as well." he sighed looking at me.

I let out a sigh, "yes me and Devin were lovers at one point, it's over now."

"Why are you still so close?" Ryan asked being much more calm than Vinny.

"Cause they performed marriage rituals, several actually. Their souls are binded."

"I swear to God if you open your mouth again!" I warn Angelo.

"What are you gonna do?" He yells back. I throw him into the wall, not hard, just enough to get my point across. Chris growled stepping towards me.

"I won't hesitate to do the same to you." I growl back. I turn back to see Vinny fumming and Ryan with tears in his eyes.

"Why don't you tell them about your child." This time I made sure he was in pain. The tears finally slipped down my babys face. I couldn't talk anymore and sat down with my head in my hands.

"I happen to be a fertile and got pregnant." Devin explained slowly. "Our child came out half witch half vampire, a very powerful breed. Because of that in our world it's illegal for a witch and vampire to be in an intimate relationship. We were able to hide for about ten years until the council found out. They came and were going to kill him and Ricky since they saw both as a threat. I begged them to not do it and struck a deal that if I gave them my fertility they'd let Ricky go. Once Ricky was free he tried trading his fangs but they weren't having it. After that we decided that it was best not to be together romantically anymore. Please believe us when we say that."

Ryan sat wrapping his arms around me. Vinny had the opposite reaction, he understood what his new power was and used it full force on Devin. Me, Angelo and Matt circled him, I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up. Fear entered his eyes when mine turned red. I threw him on the ground and walked away, if I didn't I'd rip him to shreds. Matt growls  at him while Angelo helps Devin.

I one the other hand run up the stairs before I go on an angry rampage.

The bed shifts and Ryan sits down. "I'm not mad Ricky."

"Then why are you crying?" My voice was muffled by the pillow.

"I saw something, most likely a memory of yours." I lift my head from the pillow. "You and Devin were in a lake."

The Mirror Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora