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A/N: WARNING!!!!!! Lots of feels and graphic description of blood. If that's not your thing.... Then have fun until post fluff sometime in my life. Also YAAAAAAY!!!!! Wishing For Stars is gonna be updated tomorrow!!!!! This is based on the video shown above. If you have any copyright issues just PM me and I can see if we can work it out 'cause COLLABORATION! *Que rainbows and glitter*

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I whip my head around and look for the source of screaming I've heard that voice before... I know it. Around Snowdin maybe? I run up to the gourde and look down. There were a few pebbles rolling down so I thought the worst.

"HELLO?" I yell it echoing slightly. It made me think of the Greek Legend Narcissus and Echo. I shake my head rerouting my thoughts. "IS ANYONE DOWN THERE!?" I call again.

There was a weak reply of "help me..." oh god... that kid only sounds around 13... "I'M COMING DOWN TO GET YOU! ARE YOU BY THE WALL!?"


I jump down swiftly lowering myself gently with my wings. I walk toward the muffled sobs until I found a pile of rocks with the sobs coming from inside... by the wall. Really, kid? Really?

"Okay so you're by the wall... did you know that?" I say, gently walking over to the pile.

"N-no. I can't," He starts hyperventilating, "I can't see anything..."

"Okay are there any holes in the rocks?" I ask, worried he doesn't have an air way.

"No... not that I know of..."

"Alright, I'm gonna make one so you can have some fresh air," I say skinning and testing the rocks. Think of this like Jenga, I think to myself, your great at Jenga! Only... there's a monster's life at risk... I sigh as I find a suitable rock and pull it out with little friction. "Jenga," I whisper to myself. "Do you have a phone or anything to contact someone with (I kinda left mine at home...)?"

"Y-yes but I think it's broken..."

I reach in and take it. A boney hand grabs my own as I pull my hand out. My expression softens as I feel his soft grip tighten. "D-don't leave me..."

"I'm not goin' anywhere. But I need my hand so I can repair your phone. You can hold onto my left."


I swiftly slip my hand out and have my left replace it. I turned my attention to the phone when it started to swiftly buzz in my hand. I quickly put a charm on it so it would work but the caller already went to voicemail.

"bro, it's me... again... listen, call me back when you get this okay?" There was a long pause in between each sentence, "hhh, it's getting dark just come to grillby's okay? We had a fight, let's talk it out. Just... hh... call me back."


I clamped my hand around my mouth to keep from crying, yet I felt tears at the corner of my eyes.

"I-is that your brother?" I ask.


"He loves you very much." I state.

"I know."

"So you two had a fight?" I question.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright fair enough... Hey let's start with the basics. I'm Zendaya but~ you can call me Zen. All my friends do."

"I-I'm your friend?"

"Well of course! I'm at the bottom of a gorge for you so the least you can do is let me in on your name!"


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