Damn You and Your Sunshine Smile

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~~A short story about my new snek boy Daido!~~

He hated winter. He was convinced it was the worse thing on earth. While everyone else was enjoying the snow and having snowball fights and telling him "come on it's so fun you should join us!" he was worried about dying.

Daido let out a shaky breath, the now visible condensation clouding around his hair before fading into the air as he pulled his scarf around his flushed face. He's sure that he's a little biased agent this, as most would describe it, "lovely" season, but, he was sure he had all the right in the world to be annoyed at the cold. You see, Daido was cold-blooded, which meant all winter long he was bundled up in at least five jackets, fully equipped with hand warmers taking up half the space in his backpack and an overall grumpy attitude from September to February. Not to mention the hoodies and scarfs he constantly wore over his uniform despite some teachers' protests.

Thankfully, there was almost always a large piece of sunshine attached to Daido making sure that he never got too cold and balance out his grumpy demeanor. That piece of sunshine was named, Mirio Togata, a fellow third year. But right now, that little piece of sunshine was nowhere to be found as Daido walked to school, shuddering from the cold despite it being an extremely short walk.

Diado was a little preoccupied staring down at the ground and watching the snow crunch around his shoes to notice someone calling his name, or the heavy footfall approaching him. He only noticed when a large weight was draped over his shoulders, making him flinch and that flaps along his neck open. When Diado angrily looked to where that weight came from he was met with a smiling (and jacketless) Togata.

"Hey there!" his smile grew a little, walking alongside Diado. "You looked a little chilly so I thought I'd lend you my jacket!"

Diado glanced down at the large jacket covering him, gently grabbing it and pulling it closer to his chest, taking comfort in the synthetic fur lining the insides. "What about you, though?"

Togata waved his hand dismissively. "I'm a human furnace anyway."

Diado's cheeks flushed a little more in embarrassment, painting his face in a light shade of pink. "Thank you, you really didn't need to."

"And let your freeze out here? Heck no!" Togata slung an arm around Diado's shoulders and pulled him a little closer to his chest, keeping the same nonchalant smile he always has.

Diado's ears burned as he almost violently kept his gaze down. Togata did have a tendency to translate Diado being cold-blooded as an excuse to hold the thinner male at any chance he got. Despite the fact that Diado was about 7 inches taller that Togata he always felt small compared to him. Maybe it was the difference in their physiques.

"Togata what are you doing?" Diado askes, awkwardly glancing over to Togata.

"Keeping you warm!" Togata smiled up to Diado, making him quickly advert his gaze again. Damn him and his stupid sunshine smile.

"Why? You gave you me your jacket," Diado continued.

"Because it's useless without body heat, which you don't have."

"I have it," Diado grumbled. "I just can't make it."

"Same difference." Togata shrugged.

Togata noticed Diado's grumbling and gave a small laugh. "Oh come on, I'm only teasing!"

"Sure," Diado smiled, noticing the quick approach of the school campus. The two walked in, greeting Hado and Amajiki (who were sitting and having a mostly one-sided conversation) while Diado shrugged off his many coats and traded them out for a thick hoodie and a light scarf.

"Cold weather really getting to you, huh?" Hado said, kicking her legs.

"Yes, and I hate it," Diado gave a deep sigh, plastering on his usual smile. "How about you two? Enjoying the weather?"

"You know I am!" Hado exclaimed, throwing one of her hands up.

"I prefer fall weather," Amajiki mumbled.

Daido breathed into his scarf, rubbing at a hand warmer and getting it to activate before placing it in front of his face so it warms his breath and spreads it to the rest of his face. "Well, I'm convinced that this is the worst part of the year."

"And I'm convinced you're biased," Hado retorts.

"I can neither confirm nor deny," Diado says, holding his hands before going back to fidget with another hand warmer.

"Well, I like spring," Togata cuts in. "It warm and nice and flowers are blooming and stuff."

"Of course you like spring, out of all people," Hado says. "You basically are spring."

Togata smiles, giving a bashful laugh. "Thank you I try."

The four of them share a laugh before parting ways to each of their classes. Diado was thankful that they always kept the school a little warmer during the winter. It didn't solve all of his problems but it certainly helped.

During lunch, Diado was met with the feeling of a pair of strong arms being wrapped around him. Daido glanced up, feeling a chin being rested on the top of his head. He smiled lightly, shoving some more food in his mouth. "Hello, Togata."

"Hey, buddy!" Togata says, letting go and sitting next to Daido. "How are you holding up?"

"Tired," Daido breaths, resting his forehead on the table. "And slow. I just want to burrow into some blankets. And lay in front of a fire. And be warm."

Togata gave a sympathetic smile, wrapping an arm around Daido's shoulders again. He wishes winter would just be over already. He hated seeing his friend so down in the dumps whenever the cold weather rolled around. He also knew how potentially dangerous it could be for Daido and cringed a little inside whenever they had to do hero training. He knows that you can't slack on that sort of stuff, but... he just wishes that it would end already.

"I'm sorry, buddy," Togata says, doing his best to stay positive. "Would you like it if you made you some hot chocolate when we got back to the dorms?"

"... Yeah."

I had to add in the rest of the big 3 bc it was getting too gay and I didn't come here to ship canon characters with my OCs but here I am anyway

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