Old Habits (preview)

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Name: Torēdo Nakamura
Age: 17
Quirk: Unknown
Misc. Notes: Seemed to be holding his own in the tests Mr. Aizawa gave him. Nothing too astounding but nothing to get him cut from the program either. Doesn't stand out in class or seem to be excelling academically either. Completely neutral.

I look back up to him. He doesn't have anything that would point towards his quirk, then again not all quirks come with physical features. Is his quirk constantly active and that's why I don't notice any changes? I hum and tap my chin. Torēdo seems to be preoccupied with something. He's moving his pencil that makes me think he's either writing or drawing, and I'm able to catch a small glimpse of what he's working on when he shifts. I write another note down.

Good at drawing.

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