A far away place

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"Lets go to a place where nothing can follow us." Adam smiled. "Where we can be free."
He looked to his left for any sort of reaction. When he got none he continued.
"Where nothing can hurt us. And we'll be together! Not in America, or home, or even this planet! Among the stars!"
"How will we get there?"
A response.. He... He wasn't expecting one. Adam thought for a second, squeezing their hands together.
"Somehow. I'm still working that part out." Adam chuckled a bit. A chuckle that no one hears anymore. Genuine. Laughing at a mistake he made: not planning that far ahead. A chuckle everyone misses, even if they've never heard it.
The tall grass swayed in the wind around the two figures. The wind ruffled their hair and swayed their unzipped jackets.
Although one may never feel it, they're pretty sure this is what freedom feels like.

This is really quick and I'm edited please excuse grammar or spelling mistakes


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