Eyy guess who's literal trash

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D:BH has consumed my soul so here's a drabble I made about Connor because I have no self control and I'm trying to get back into writing ,_,
or at least... it was like... way better in my head. Also the spelling is a little spotty. I don't like edditing on my phone.


After receiving some damage during his investigation Connor was admitted back to Cyberlife for repairs. He had become quite familiar with the engineers that worked at Cyberlife, however, there was one that was in charge of all of the state of the art models. He'd be seeing her today.

He got off the elevator, ignoring the feel looks he got, and walked to her office. He stopped at the door, despite it being wide open and knocked on the frame. "Miss Avery?"

At the sound of her name, the woman peeked up from where she was working and back to Connor. "Come in."

Connor stepped inside and sat on a bench towards the center of the room. He glanced around, scanning his surroundings.

"You got new lights sense the last time I was here."

"I see your scanner still works. And, yeah, one of them burnt out so they just replaced them all. Coin?"

Connor hummed, tossing her the coin he always kept in his jacket pocket. She tossed it onto a small tray next to the bench, sliding over on a wheelie chair.

"Self diagnose," she said, posishing off some tools.

Connor was quiet for a second, his LED flashing yellow. "Gunshot wounds located in the shoulder, lower abdomen, and thigh. Slight biocomponent damage but nothing a trained hand cannot fix."

The engineer across from him shook her head. "You should be more careful, Connor. You lost a lot of thirium."

"Understood, mi-"


"Understood, Robin. I will be more careful when returning to the field."
Robin glanced at him, slipping off his jacket, tie, and white undershirt that were all now stained blue. She gave them to another woman who took them off to be desposed of or cleaned.

Robin got to work on the bullet wound in Connor's shoulder, pulling at wires and poking at his metal skeleton. Most of the time it was silent while she worked, music playing from somewhere in her office.

"I like music," Connor piped up. Robin glanced at him trough her glasses and sat up, pulling the hair tie out of her mouth and putting her hair up in a  ponytail. "Elaborate."

"While working with Lt. Anderson I have come into contact with the music that he likes. It sounds different than the music you play in your office. I like them both."

Robin smiles slightly, getting back to work on his shoulder. "Nice to see you're getting more in touch with humans now-a days."

Robin started messing around with the wires, sending a few jolts through Connor's body. He couldn't feel pain, but he could feel the jolts and felt a bit like pain. After all the wires were placed back in their spot and repaired Rbin got to fixing the area around the wound.

"Remove the skin on your shoulder, please."

Connor did so, revealing the white material underneath.

"Thank you," Robin commented.
She got a small tool that was normaly meant for burning wounds to stop the bleeding and pressed it to the white material. It started melting together, looking like he has never been shot in the first place. It only left little marks on his artificial skin, like scars, but people at Cyberlife say it makes him appear more human, so Connor had no objections.

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