I wrote this just to write something

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Hi lol I'm figuring out the logistics of Toshiro's quirk and him and this is just part of the process

Aizawa tiredly glances around the room, his eyes falling on a particular boy who hadn't moved since the last time Aizawa glanced around the room, which was about ten minutes ago. Aizawa's eye twitched before he signed and pushed his hands against his desk to stand up. He wondered over to Nakamura, bending down to address him.

"What are you doing?" Aizawa asks, his voice laced with boredom. "You haven't even started working yet."

Nakamura gives a sheepish smile, raising his shoulders slightly. "Well, you see sir..." he started, dropping his hands when he trails off. Nakamura sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking back up to Aizawa. "Look, sir, I usually don't bring it up because people tend to get weird, but my Quirk gives the equilibrant of ADHD."

Aizawa blinks slowly and Toshiro awkwardly scratches at the side of his mouth. "So it's not that I don't want to do the work and get stuff done, it's just that... I can't right now. Like, I physically can't. I'm sorry--I usually don't get this way in school-"

"Like executive dysfunction?" Aizawa asks, now his turn to scratch on the bits of stubble on his chin.

Nakamura snaps his fingers, giving Aizawa a bright smile. "Yes! That's exactly what it is!"

Aizawa hums, his mind mulling over the situation. Technically, there was no entirely logical way to solve this issue. It bothered him slightly, but he would have to get over it. "Is there anything you can do to... get out of it?"

Nakamura makes a small strangled noise, dropping his gaze to the floor with another sheepish smile. "Not really, I'm afraid. But uh... I have a lot of pent up energy today and it's making it really hard for me to focus."

"Can you go run it off?" Aizawa asks, looking out the window.


"Then go ahead. I expect to see you back here in fifteen minutes. Set a timer on your phone if you have to."

"Wait... really?"

"It's from your Quirk, right? It's UA's job to work around its student's Quirks in order to guarantee their success. Just think of this as a Quirk accommodation." Aizawa shrugs.

Nakamura smiles, pulling out his phone and tapping around for a second before darting out of the classroom. Aizawa sighs and smiles. Logically, he shouldn't let his students run around during class time, but this was UA. He could run his class any way he wants, and besides, nobody needed to know.

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