,_, (Part 1)

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"Hey, guys!" Steven said,  popping up behind Garnet.

"Steve!" Pearl whisper-yelled. "You can't be here! It's too dangerous!"


"Pearls right," Garnet says. "You have to go back."

"Uh.... guys? We don't have time for that! Look!" Amythest points to Blue Diamond, her Pearl, and a new gem Steven has never seen before.

"My Diamond," The gem spoke softly. "I have a feeling we're not alone. I sense others."

"What others, Chalcedony?" Blue Diamond asked, turning to face the gem beside her.

"I'm not sure, My Diamond. They seem to be a threat."

Blue Diamond hummed, turning to her Pearl. "Pearl, would you accompany Chalcedony to find the sources of these feelings?"

Blue Pearl nodded, walking with what seems to be Chalcedony towards Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven. Everyone hid, not wanting to be caught by the gems who lye so loyal to their Diamond. Blue Pearl and the gem split up, the Chalcedony wandering dangerously close to Steven.

"I know you're here," she said softly. "There's no use in hiding..."

Steven suddenly felt very hurt, betrayed. He groaned, trying to shake the feeling away but it only got stronger. He backed up, bumping into something solid.

"Hello," a voice said. "I found you." That voice belonged to the gem Chalcedony.

"Steven!" Garnet called, running over. She tried to grab the gem but stopped and broke into a sob before she could even touch her. Amythest was next to make a move, wrapping her whip around the gem and pulling. After a few moments with Chalcedony's full attention on Amythest, the whip loosened and disappeared.

"I'm sorry..." Amythest said softly, stepping away.

Pearl snuck behind the gem, thrusting her spear straight through Chalcedony's abdomen. Chalcedony gasped, going limp. "M-My Diamond...." she breathed out before the air was full of white smoke.

Almost half a month later Steven was still on his bed, looking at the colored gem. He had been waiting for her to reform ever since she was poofed. He counted the days, waiting for her. Like he had waited for Pearl. All the other gems advised against it, but he was sure he could reason with her. So, they let him continue with the plan.

Steven dozed off from the several nights of no sleep, trying to keep awake. He rubbed his eyes, glancing to the gem. he sighed, picking it up in his hand.

"You don't have to be afraid.... or hide. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are all really good people...! So, if you'd just come out..."

Steven sighed, resting his hands on the soft sheets, still clutching the gem is his hand. It glowed softly and Steven gasped, setting the gem down on the bed. Out of the gem grew a body, much similar in shape to Lapis' or Pearl's. Long, wavy hair fell onto her face as her dress formed, having the same transparent skirt it had before.

Steven sat in front of the figure hunched over on his bed. She looked up to him, her hand trembling. "R-Rose?"

Ye. Part one!! I really want to make Chalcedony 's story into an actual book, and this is only one part! I'll probably make a book for her but for now, this is what we got. A total of  524 words.

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