... ... *deep inhale* h-

11 3 2

Connor had spent a long day at the station. Hank had been out sick for the past few days, so he was left along to deal with Gavin and submitting reports. It was most deffnettly inconvenient. Connor wasn't really sure how Detictive Reed hasn't been fired yet, but that wasn't his main concern.
Because of his long hours he couldn't spend as much time with Sumo as he would like. Oh and he couldn't see his significant other much either. He couldn't see the things he loved most in this world (including Hank) because of reports. How... unfortunate.
He got into Hank's car, he didn't have his own because while being very expensive to build, Connor himself is completely broke, and started driving home. Thankfully the road was relatively clear for a late Detroit night so the drive didn't take too long.
Slicking back his fringe he exited the car and stepped out onto the driveway. The house was completely dark aside from the lights in the living room. Connor hoped they didn't stay up waiting for him. It was quite late and Hank need to rest if he were to ever get better. Dakota also needed to sleep for them to retain their health.
Connor slipped his pair of keys into the lock, opning the door quietly. The sight he was greeted with was both heartwarming and humorous at the same time.
Dakota sat on the couch, the light from the TV lighting up some of his favorite features about them. They were humming a soft tune to an almost sleeping Hank resting in their lap. Hank's head was rested on a pillow placed on Dakota's crossed legs, most of the light from the TV blocked from his features. They both had a blanket draped over them, one of the softest ones they owned, actually.
Connor took a couple steps closer to them, seeing Sumo laying over Hank's legs and Dakota's hands making small braids in Hank's hair. They stuck out here and there but were generally well made for the human mind at 1:30 am.
Connor smiled, making his way over to Dakota and giving them a soft kiss on the head. They looked up and smiled, whispering a soft greeting to him.
"I thought you both would be asleep by now," Connor spoke, hused and almost drowned out by the TV.
"I couldn't sleep and Hank had a headache," Dakota replied, looking back down to Hank. "I'm pretty sure he's asleep now."
Connor nodded, sitting down on the floor in front of them. Sumo lifted his head and wagged his tail, happy to see Connor after a long day of waddling around the house and looking after a sick Hank. Connor smiled at the dog, reaching his hand out to scratch Sumo's head lighting.
"You know, Sumo got really lonely when you didn't come home on time. Another long day at the station?"
Dakota moved one of their hands to Connor's hair and started playing with it. Technically, he couldn't really get much feeling out of the action, but enjoyed it anyway. He leaned his head back and looked up to his partner.
"Yes, unfortunately. Reports take much longer when you're the only one doing them, despite the fact that I'm supposed to be extremely efficient at them."
Dakota nodded, giving a soft hum. "Take the day off once you get the chance. It's weird not having you around."
Connor smiled up at Dakota. God, they were so beautiful.


I got bored on my flight to Texas

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