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Tumblr writing prompt: "All I know is that I can't stand to be apart from you anymore."
"...If you make me cry I swair to God..."

(Charicters chosen: Co and Vlad)

Vlad walks in while Co is sprawled out on his bed. She glances at him and smiles.
"Hey Co," Vlad says, sitting on his bed, careful to not to sit on his Girlfriend's legs like he did last time, ending up with a verry enraged dragon/cat thing hissing at him.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asks rubbing her back, "I know you've beed verry stressed lately. I think it would help!"

"Eh..." Co says, turning over to the person she had come to love verry much. "I'm not stressed... I just don't know how to process everything."

Vlad frowned, ever since Kara died Co just stopped doing things. She just lyed on a cussion she sought comfortable for the say and layed there. Sometimes she would just sleep in Vlad's lap as a small marble fox. Co had lost sevral pounds and looks even more frail and broken than ever. Vlad sighed, and rubbed Co's head, brushing her hair with his fingers.

He was always so gentel with her, she was so broken, so fragile, so in need of comfort.

"I think you'd like the place I want to take you..."

Co glances up, to only find love in Vlad's eyes. It was so unfair of her to just stay here and ignore his attempts to cheer her up.


"Wait... really!?"

"Yah why not? Lets go."


"Where are you taking me?" Co asked, reaching up to remove the bandana placed around her eyes.

"Somewhere... Hey! Don't touch that!" Vlad swated away Co's hand, to witch dhe gave a grumble of annoyance.

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost!" Vlad relpies in a sing-song voice. "Ta da!" Vlad cheers, removing the bandana. "It's where we met!"

Co looked around, smileing at what she saw, it was the same park she tried to kill him in when they first met, of course that was in freshman year at Phoenix Drop High. Good times.

Co looked back to Vlad, who was now on one knee.

"Co...I don't know much about this world or us in general but... All I know is that I can't stand to be apart from you anymore."

"...If you make me cry I swair to God..."

Vlad pulled out a box, and opened it. Leaving Co stuned by a beautiful wedding ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Tears rimmed Co's eyes. She shook her head quickly and let out a "yes!" between sobs.

The end.

A/N: I wrote this on my phone in the car. Sorry if it's sucky! Have Co x Vlad fluff!!!

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