Four years later

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Four Years later...

Everything seemed so quiet, the steady beat of the heart monitor filling the empty silence. Evan was still in the same chair, refusing to leave her side. He would talk to her sometimes, tell her about his day. Even would go through her bucket list, and see all the amazing things she did. It had been four years. Four years of waiting, hoping. Four years of nothing. Nothing except the empty echo of her heart.

Evan had fallen asleep singing to her again. Her learned all her favorite songs and sang them to her. Evan's head rested on his arms, with one free hand holding hers. CB was down in the cafeteria to get some food. Evan didn't want to leave, he didn't want her to be alone, not for one second. They each took turns staying the night, but sometimes Evan would hang around even if it wasn't his night. As the days went by, Evan felt the steady beat of her heart comforting and often fell asleep to it. But what Evan wanted most was his family back. He wanted it to be whole again.

The heart monitor skipped a beat, and Evan started to stir. He lifted his head and glanced at the monitor, his ears twitching a few times. There it was again, her heart skipped a beat. He glanced at her, her hair still draped perfectly over her eye. Evan shook his head, starting to think he was crazy to keep hoping she would wake up. He looked off to the side, resting his elbow on his knee and his head on his hand. He sighed, looking at all the staff.

Evan felt something on his hand... was it a... squeeze? He looked back to her hand. Slowly it shifted and intertwined her fingers with his. He looked up to her, eyes almost sparkling. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, revealing their beautiful dark teal, meeting his gaze. She paused for a moment before speaking.


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