random Actor AU notes

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Hello take these I'm v tired

-has to wear make-up bc he has freckles
-has the eye scar, different reasons
-has to do vocal exercises all the time bc his voice is deeper than Toshiro's
-doesn't wear a wig/actually dyes his hair as often as Toshiro
-has to work out to stay fit™
-gets along w/all the other actors
- gymnast/does his own stunts
- his dorkiness rivals Deku
- enjoys that he doesn't have to suppress his figiting while acting as Toshiro
- 21

HAJIME' S ACTOR (Akiara Soga)
-the most like her character
-that one extra friend
-has a stunt double that she loves dearly (they do the Spider-Man meme)
-the second most likely to be drinking coffee
-doesn't have to make many physical changes to herself except for color contacts
-also making her voice a little deeper
-has a small cluster of friends in the cast
-wears a binder while acting
-she got titties and Hajime don't

HABIKI'S ACTOR (Souta Amari)
-a super talented voice actor and does a lot of Habiki's various voices
-(was originally supposed to just be a voice actor but then things changed)
-the most likely to be drinking coffee
-those ain't fake dark circles, he's an insomniac
-"to get into character I haven't slept in three days"
-he really feels for Habiki and he hopes his life gets better soon
-dispite that he is held back by Habiki's muted forms of expression most of the time
-has a lot of tattoos on his arms so that's what Habiki wears sleeves 24/7
-true to his character he does have a very pleasant voice
-he's actually very nice and a lot more talkative than people would expect
-most people didn't know about him until he started this show

DAIDO'S ACTOR (Kioshi Fujiwara)
-just slightly shorter that Daido (abt. 3 inches), so he has to wear thick shoes™
-his make-up takes the longest and he has a hard time staying still for the time it takes
-dispite that he's made good friends with his make-up artist
-thinks she can do the work of gods
-has to take breaks bc his contacts irritate his eyes a bit
-doesn't have a lot of friends but is still pleasant to talk to
-the most experienced but would say Masao's and Habiki's actors are the most talented
-he's like a npc that you can only talk to sometimes when the timing is right but when you do get his dialogue option almost everyone takes it bc he always has nice things to say
-like a wise sage

MASAO'S ACTOR (Yuuma Hattori)
-a lot less shy than his character
-not actually blind
-he dyes his hair too
-really enjoys his costumes bc a lot of them are excessively soft
-good friends with the majority of his colleagues
-like Habiki's actor he's held back a little bit in forms of expression by his character
-everyone feels the need to protect him
-accidently spoils stuff sometimes and then apologizes for five minuets straight
-the least experienced/a fresh baby just out of school
-very sweet and excitable
-tries his best

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