Old Habits

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My Hero Academia spoilers?

I tap my pencil lightly against my desk, creating a steady rhythm. I've been trying to keep from mumbling to myself all the time, and so far, this seems like the best way to keep myself from doing that. I've been staring at the newest student in class 1-A, Nakamura, I know it's weird, but I haven't been able to figure out anything about him. He arrived a few days ago, and I haven't been able to place exactly what his quirk is yet, despite the fact that we share two classes and that Mr. Aizawa has already done the whole first day run down he did with the rest of the class, which I may or may not have watched from the window.

I feel my brows furrow a little as the pencil tapping picks up in speed. I feel the old habit of writing heroes' attributes down in my notebook start to crawl up my fingers. Come on, Izuku, I think go myself. That's weird, and what if he finds out? But my brain just keeps coming up with excuses on how this is defiantly a good idea, and how I've done this for the rest of my classmates so why is he any different? I sigh and grab Hero Analysis for the Future vol. 13 from my backpack and flip to the next open page.

I start the way that I always do, by making a small sketch of the hero. I try to go off of memory the best I can to try and avoid looking like I'm staring, and conveniently, Nakamura is resting his head in a way that I'm able to get a good grasp of what he looks like from a few glances here and there. Now it's time for the notes.

Name: Nakamura Toshiro

Age: 16

Quirk: Unknown

Misc. Notes: Seemed to be holding his own in the tests Mr. Aizawa gave him. Nothing too astounding but nothing to get him cut from the program either. Doesn't stand out in class or seem to be excelling academically either. Completely neutral.

I look back up to him. He doesn't have anything that would point towards his quirk, then again not all quirks come with physical features. Is his quirk constantly active and that's why I don't notice any changes? I hum and tap my chin. Nakamura seems to be preoccupied with something. He's moving his pencil that makes me think he's either writing or drawing, and I'm able to catch a small glimpse of what he's working on when he shifts. I write another note down.

Good at drawing.

I'm a little frustrated that this is all I could get out of him, though. He got in through recommendation, so he must be good. Then I start thinking. What if he doesn't have a quirk? I know they changed the rules and he didn't have to take the entrance exam, so maybe he'll be the first quirkless hero. Wouldn't that be something?

I glance around the room and notice that Mr. Aizawa is also staring at Nakamura, although it's a little hard to tell because he's bundled in his sleeping bag. Is he having the same thought process I am? That means he's just as clueless about Nakamura's quirk as I am. Are all the teachers unaware of what kind of power Nakamura possesses? Now that I look closer, is Mr. Aizawa using his quirk? His sleeping bag covers his hair, but that little bit that's showing is sticking straight up. I turn my head to Nakamura. He doesn't look any different, and he's not acting different, so maybe he just doesn't notice, and I was wrong about his quirk earlier?

But then Nakamura slows his hand, and he starts looking extremely confused and a little concerned. What did just happen? He looks up at Mr. Aizawa, and I can tell tears are in his eyes that he blinks away. I look to Mr. Aizawa as well, whose hair his no longer sticking up. He's looking straight back at Nakamura and rubs his eyes. I can tell Nakamura mouthed something to him, which Mr. Aizawa taps at his eye in response to.

"Nakamura," Mr. Aizawa speaks, "Meet me after class."

Nakamura nods quickly and tries even harder to hide the fact that there are tears in his eyes now that everyone is looking at him. "Yes, sir."

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