Chapter 6: Kiss Me

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Summer's POV

"I think...I like you." I couldn't believe those words had just came out of my mouth, but with Michael standing right in front of me and him telling me that he wasn't with Jordan, it just sort of happened without any thought.

Michael stared into my eyes with his greenish ones and he had a smirk on his lips, which caused my heart rate to sky rocket. Kiss me, I thought. And then he was leaning forward and closing the space between us. I wasn't sure I wanted my first kiss to happen in a music room, but at this moment I didn't care. All I could see was Michael and his eyes and his smirk that was about to be connected with my lips. He was moving so achingly slow that I closed the space between us. His lips were extremely soft as they moved against mine. He put a hand behind my head and tangled his fingers in my hair.

A few seconds later, I separated from him and backed away. "I'm sorry. I...I have to go," I said and rushed to pack up my violin. I didn't even look back at Michael. I just left him standing there in the music room. I couldn't believe I kissed him.

"What's up with you?" Adam asked when I burst through the door. He was sitting at the table looking at his phone.

"Nothing!" I answered too quickly and dropped my backpack on the counter.

Adam raised an eyebrow at me and said, "really? It seems like you ran all the way home."

I took a deep breath before saying, "well maybe I'm trying to get some exercise. But nothing happened. Now would you just leave me alone? I don't go asking you 20 questions every time I see you."

"That's because I don't look suspicious every time you see me."

"I don't look suspicious. You're just thinking too hard." I shook my head and left him in the kitchen. When I got to my room, I slammed my door and flopped on my bed. Now is the time that I wished I had a friends. Friends that I could share things with and talk about boys but the only friend that I thought I made lied to me and liked the same boy.

I don't know why I ran away from Michael since he kissed me back, but I think it might have to do with the fact that I hadn't done anything like this before and it scared me. Actually, it terrified me.

Michael's POV

I moved slowly toward Summer when she said those words because I wanted to make sure she wanted me to kiss her. Then she closed the space between us and it was honestly the best kiss I've experienced and I've kissed a lot of girls. Maybe it was because I felt something different towards Summer than all of them. I could tell she was nervous but she let go when I tangled my fingers in her hair and kissed her deeper.

"I'm sorry. I...I have to go," she said after the kiss and I was shocked. Did she not feel the same after the kiss? Was it that bad? After she left, I sat down in a chair and ran a hand through my hair. I'm not sure how long I sat there but my phone interrupted my thoughts. It was Luke.

Are you skipping practice again?

I completely forgot about practice. I texted him back that I was on my way. I walked to Luke's house, shuffling my feet with my head down.

"What's up with you man? You didn't even have detention."

I shook my head and ignored Ashton as I grabbed my guitar. Then I noticed Jordan sitting in the corner. "What are you doing here?"

She stood up and came over to me. "I came to see you. I miss seeing you guys practice."

I sighed. "I can't deal with you right now, Jordan. You can sit in the corner if you promise not to talk but otherwise you need to leave. We have a huge gig coming up."

new beginnings // michael cliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang