Chapter 23: Take the Risk

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Michael's POV

Having Summer in my arms again made me never want to let go. She started to get out of the hug, but I pulled her back to me. "Not yet," I whispered. Her arms were tight again around my waist as I inhaled, her hair smelling of apples. I missed the scent, even though I had it committed to memory. It was much better in person.

When I finally let go, I took a good look at her. "You changed your hair," I commented.

She giggled. "That's what you say?" she asked, shaking her head. "But yeah. I cut it awhile ago, I guess. You changed yours too. I'd yours is more dramatic than mine."

My hair was now a dark brown instead of it's natural blondish brown color. I wanted a change and I discovered my love of hair dye. I shrugged. "I guess so." I reached for her hand, but she pulled away. I couldn't hide my frown as we walked to the food court. What was I expecting? That we would go right back to being how we were?

Once we ordered and were sitting down, I asked what was on my mind since she called. "Why are we doing this?"

She took a huge bite of her pizza and chewed slowly, clearly avoiding my question.

"Summer? Why did you call me and want to talk? I know there's a reason." I felt something during that hug and I hoped that she did too. I wanted there to still be something between us, but if she couldn't talk to me, what was the point of trying? I wanted to try. I was tired of getting drunk every night and the band being in a standstill. I wanted something to go right.

She swallowed and looked down. "I just..." she trailed of and stood up, causing her chair to screech across the ground. I watched as she ran to the bathroom.

I sighed wanting to follow her but knowing she didn't want me to. I decided to anyway. I knocked on the door of the bathroom and called her name but she didn't answer. I tried the door, but of course she had it locked. "Please come talk to me," I pleaded. I heard the water turn on and then off a moment later. I sat down on the floor and waited for her to come out. Ten minutes passed and then fifteen. I closed my eyes, wondering how long she was going to be in there. Someone trying the door caused me to reopen my eyes. It was a little girl with her mom. I stood up and knocked once more. "Summer, people need the restroom. Please come out."

A moment later, the door slowly opened. She apologized softly to the woman and child as she walked by them and started back toward our table. I followed her silently and wished that I could read her mind. "Is it that hard to talk to me?" I thought out loud.

"It's not, I just don't want us to make the same mistakes. I don't want to get hurt like before. We can't just jump right back into a relationship like we never stopped or like nothing happened because stuff did happen and it's been a whole year, MIchael! Yeah, when I hugged you it felt like nothing had changed, but I'm different. I'm not the same girl I was when I came here. Don't you think you've changed too? Maybe we won't even work? So to answer your question, I'm not sure why I called you, but I was talking to Calum and he made me realize how happy we were. I wanted to see if there was a chance for us to happy again, but I'm scared Michael."

I grabbed her hand across the table. "You don't think I'm scared too? But isn't that the point? Shouldn't we take the risk? I still love you, Winter," I said, using the nickname I gave her. "There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you, wishing that I hadn't messed up."

"Why did you change you mind? That day you said we were better off apart and now you want to get back together. Why now?"

I thought back to that day in the music room. I had just found out that I could fail English and I honestly thought that Summer would be happier without me. I had caused her so much pain and I didn't want to cause her anymore. "I always wondered what would have happened if I had said no and that I thought we should have gotten back together. I wonder what your answer would be and I wonder if we would be together now or if I would have messed it up again. But I can't do that anymore. I can't do what ifs."

Summer's POV

I pulled my hand from his grip and folded them in my lap. "I'm not sure if I can do this." His words were beautiful, but what if they were just beautiful lies? I wanted to give him another chance, I honestly did but what if he was wrong and it wasn't worth the risk? What if Calum was wrong and I actually was fine? "It's funny. I'm the one that called you and you're the one that's trying so hard to fight for us."

Michael stood up and pulled me from my seat. His hand was in mine as he dragged me along and pulled me around a corner and pressed me against the wall. "You can't tell me you weren't happy. You can't tell me you didn't feel anything when we hugged." A small noise escaped my lips, but I didn't say anything. His musky scent was clouding my thoughts. He put his lips close to my ear and whispered, "You can't tell me this isn't effecting you right now. I can hear your heart beating faster and your breath catching." He pressed kisses along my jaw until his mouth was to my lips. "You can't tell me you don't want me to kiss you. Tell me if you want me to stop," he paused and when I didn't protest he smashed his lips to mine.

"Why did you do that?" I was breathless. Michael's arms were still around me and I was still intoxicated by his kiss.

"I wanted to and I know you did too," he smirked.

God, that smirk. My cheeks felt hot as he looked at me. "I did, but-"

"But what Summer? You can't keep sheltering yourself from possible heartache. I know I hurt you and I know I made mistakes. I learned my lesson and I don't want to hurt you again. Please, just take the risk. I'm going to try my best not to hurt you again."

I wanted more than anything to give in. I missed his touch, his kiss, talking to him, him. I ignored the small part of my brain that told me not to let him in again and said, "Ok, I want to take the risk."

Hi(: Sorry this is a bit short but they're back together! (finally haha) thank you if you're still reading this story, I really like writing it so it means a lot. please vote and comment xx zoe

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