Chapter 21: I'll Love You Forever

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Jordan's POV

A small part of me knew this day would come. The day that Mike would realize that he felt nothing towards me. But what I didn't realize is how soon that day would come. I'm not sure how long I stood in the men's bathroom, but at some point a guy came in and pushed me out. Then I sat still in shock on the gym floor with my knees hugged to my chest and my dressed pooled around me. I wasn't one to cry in public but right now I didn't care. My tears fell and ruined my perfect makeup.

I really thought that he had told her everything. I thought she knew about juvie, but then when it seemed like she didn't I saw the opportunity to break them up. I loved him and I could see now that I was delusional. I told Summer and just like I thought, she broke up with him. Then he came running back to me like he always did when he was hurt. He even did that when he was with Tabitha. Nothing happened between us until after she died but I knew that I loved him while she was still here. I think that's why it hurt me so much, that I was in love with my best friend's boyfriend. He didn't really love me though. He never did, he just wanted someone to make him forget Tabitha. He wanted to not feel empty anymore, that's what I was missing all this time.

I really wanted to be friends with Summer, I really did. I was surprised she hung out with me again after she saw me kiss Michael, but I guess I ruined things again. I wonder if we could've been friends if she hadn't have liked Michael. But I guess what made me "throw" myself at him again was knowing she liked him. I'm not sure why it bothered me so much. Maybe it was because I wanted to know if he would choose me over her, if I was going to be first choice for once. I wanted to be his first choice.

Michael's POV

I woke up to the sun shining down on me. I rubbed my neck, which was sore from the position I fell asleep in. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed I was still in the cemetery. I stood up slowly and walked home. I felt sick and had a massive headache, probably from sleeping outside on the ground.

"Do you want some breakfast?" my mom asked as I walked inside. "I made pancakes!"

I shook my head and went up to my room. I couldn't eat anything. I just wanted to lay in my own bed. I stripped myself of my dress clothes and collapsed onto my bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.

I stayed in bed for the rest of the weekend, my headache never going away. Calum texted me asking me to come over but I ignored him. I knew we were having band practice but I skipped. I didn't feel much for playing music right now.

When Monday morning came around, I woke up with just enough time to throw my clothes on and get to class right before the bell. Summer stared down at her desk as I passed her. I frowned, wishing she would look up.

"Hey, missed you at the party and at practice," Luke whispered.

"Sorry, I wasn't feeling the greatest," I whispered back. I took out my notebook and flipped to an open page, knowing full well I wasn't going to take any notes.

"We gotta get ready for our next gig. There's gonna be agents there and stuff. You can't keep skipping."

I shrugged and leaned back in my seat. "I said I was sick," my voice a little louder than it should've been.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Clifford?"

"No," I snapped, glaring at her. I wanted class to be over so I didn't have my mistakes sitting there in front of me, haunting me.

"Sorry, it was my fault," Luke apologized. I didn't need him apologizing for me. What I needed was to get out of this classroom. Earlier, I would've given anything to see Summer's blue eyes or her beautiful smile, but now I knew it would hurt too much. She's not mine anymore and it would just remind me of how I messed everything up.

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