Chapter 13: The Truth (Most of It)

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Summer's POV

I was halfway home when I realized I left my purse backstage. I didn't have my phone to just ask Michael to grab it for me so I had to go back. I didn't mind though because it gave me time to think. If Michael wanted to actually go on a date with me and wanted so badly for me to be at his show, he must really like me. I must be the exception to his long list of girls of the past.

"Hey, Summer! Whatcha doing back?" Calum asked when I walked through the door of the bar. He was carrying his bass out to the van.

"Forgot my purse," I explained.

"Hope you find it!" he called as he walked out the door.

I nodded as I made my way backstage. I froze and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what was unmistakably Michael pressing a girl up against a wall.

"Michael?" My voice was a lot quieter than I hoped.

He detached himself from the girl and it was Jordan. I knew I shouldn't be surprised but I was. Michael walked over to me and tried to put his arms around me, but I flinched away. "Don't," I warned.

"Let me explain. Please," he pleaded.

I shook my head and willed for my tears to stop, but they didn't. "I just came to get my purse," I whispered, my voice wobbly. I searched aimlessly, looking for my purse until I finally found it.

"Please tell me we're still on for our date," Michael sounded desperate.

I finally faced him. "You just kissed Jordan and you're worried about our date? Seriously?" I yelled through my tears. Behind him I saw Jordan, with her shirt messed up and a slight smile on her face.

Michael shrugged and closed the distance, but I backed away so that there was still a few feet between us. "I really like you and I made a stupid mistake. She came on to me. I was trying to figure out what she said to you to make you upset before you left but then she messed with my head." He ran his hands through his hair like he always does when he's frustrated.

"I don't think we're a good fit," I said sadly. "I don't even really know you, but I do know that I've gotten nothing but mixed signals. Everyone is warning me about you but when I'm with you I feel something I've never felt and I don't want to listen. I had doubts in the beginning because of Jordan, but when you told me there was nothing between you I let it go. But now, seeing you actually kiss her I can't believe you. It hurts Michael."

He listened to my words but didn't comment on them. "Can I just explain it to you? Summer, please," he begged. He looked like he could get down on his hands and knees.

I sighed. "Not right now. I'll go on this stupid date if that will make you happy, but I'm not promising anything." I didn't wait to see his reaction, but instead turned and left the bar. Maybe I was overreacting about the kiss. We never decided that we were officially a couple or exclusive.

"Hey, did you find your purse?" Calum asked as I passed him on my way out.

I ignored him and just kept walking. The cool breeze outside felt nice against my skin. When I got to house, I quietly walked upstairs and went to my room. I curled up in my covers and cried my eyes out, knowing that I wasn't overreacting.

Michael's POV

I had no idea what to do. A part of me wanted to tell Summer everything, like everything everything. But I knew better. She would think differently about me and I wanted her to think I was good even though I'm not.

"Why are you begging for her to go on that ridiculous date?" Jordan scoffed.

"Just leave me alone," I told her. I had my face in my hands and was sitting on an amp. Instead, she came and sat beside me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think. "It's not ridiculous."

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