Chapter 25: Don't Let Me Go

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Michael's POV

"It's a nice view, isn't it?"

"Nice? It's gorgeous," her eyes wide as she looked out over the lake. Our hands were intertwined and we stood on the top of a hill. "I could stay here forever. It's so beautiful here, Michael."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it. Come on," I pulled her along and we walked closer to the water.

"It's so blue," she commented. The sun was warm, shining down on us and I couldn't have asked for a nicer day. "Do we really have to leave?"

"Afraid so. School is tomorrow."

She removed her hand from mine and hugged me. "Promise me something?"

"Anything," I nodded.

"Don't let me go because I don't have anyone else," her eyes looked sad.

"That's not true. You have your dad and your brother. You have Calum," I said reluctantly. I had grown used to the fact that they were friends. Nothing had happened except that one kiss that I was aware of, so I didn't think I had anything to worry about.

She shook her head. "My dad barely talks to me anymore and Adam, he thinks I'm a screw up. I guess there's Calum but I need you. So promise me, please. I don't know what I did without you."

It was a big promise, saying I would never leave her. I'm not saying I ever wanted to but I didn't want to make a promise I couldn't keep. Looking into her eyes, I knew she needed to hear me say it though. She needed me to make that promise. So I made it, knowing full well I could break it someday. "I won't let you go, Winter." I barely brushed her lips with mine. When I pulled away her lips followed mine, wanting more. "You know I love you, right?" I asked, holding her tightly to my chest. The sun shining down on us was keeping us warm.

I felt her nod against my chest. "We should probably get going right?"

I checked the time and hadn't realized it had gotten so late. It was almost five and we had about a four hour drive back home. "Yeah," I said reluctantly. I grabbed onto her hand as we started our walk back to the cabin.

"I'll remember this weekend forever," she said as I drove away. My hand rested on her knee and the radio was playing softly. I sort of wish we'd left earlier as it was getting dark and I was more comfortable driving in the daytime but I wanted as much time at the cabin as possible.

"Me too," I replied. "I"m glad you enjoyed it." The memories that had flooded my mind when we first arrived hadn't entered my mind again and I was glad because I was able to focus on Summer and make her feel special. I was happy that we could get away but I didn't want to get back to reality. What if we were living in this fantasy world where we just thought everything was perfect? For some reason, I felt like something was going to go wrong at any moment but I pushed that feeling away becuase Summer and I were finally back together.

"What are you thinking about?" she could always tell when something was consuming my thoughts.

"I just don't want this to end, our happiness," I told her, deciding to be honest. I didn't want to hide things from her anymore. If we were going to work this time, I needed to be honest. I needed to share my feelings and tell the truth. I couldn't keep everything bottled up.

I noticed her frown a little out of the corner of my eye. "Michael..."

I squeezed my hand on her knee. "I'm sorry. That's depressing. It's just this weekend we were so happy but we were by ourselves and could be anything we wanted to be. I just don't want reality to ruin everything."

"Can you pull over for a second?"

"Are you crazy? We're in the middle of the highway!"

"Just do it," she pleaded. I couldn't say no to her, so when I found the safest spot I pulled over the car and turned it off. "Look at me," her voice comforting. I turned in my seat as good as I could and lifted my head. "It's just like you said at the mall, Mikey. We need to take the risk because it'll be worth it in the end. I thought that what's you wanted." She grabbed for my hands and I shivered at her touch. "Is that not what you want anymore?" she quietly asked.

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