Chapter 35: Epilogue

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*2 years later*

Summer's POV

I had been looking forward to this day for a long time and I couldn't believe it was finally here. When I was little, I imagined it to be different. For one, I thought my mom would be here and two, I thought it would've happened a year earlier. But I guess things don't always happen the way that you think they will. Everything happens for a reason, right?

I sat amongst the rest of the students in the gymnasium in the uncomfortable chairs in my cap and gown and looked around for Michael and rest of the boys in the crowd. They had told me they were able to make it since they had a break from their tour. They just got done touring the U.K. I spotted them and Michael gave me a wink causing butterflies to enter my stomach. I wondered how that could happen after all this time. How could he still have that effect on me when he was across the room? He looked different now. His hair was whitish with black down the middle, sort of like skunk hair. I wasn't sure about it when I first saw it, but it was growing on me. He looked good with anything he did to his hair. I remembered joking with him that his hair would all fall out if he kept dying it so often. He had also gotten a lot more muscular and looked taller. I winked back and tried to focus on the speech being given by the valedictorian. When I was first starting high school in Alabama, I had thought that maybe I had a chance at being first in my class and it was something to strive for, but life got in the way. Life made me realize that even though grades and school are important, you don't always necessarily have to be number one to succeed. Like look at me now. I was failing and then dropped out and now I was sitting here, about to graduate.

I knew my dad was upset that I wasn't going to university next year. He almost didn't come to graduation because of it. I told him that I might go eventually, but it just wasn't what I wanted. I hated school and I had to try so hard these last two years to get back on track to graduate. I tried to explain, but he wasn't having any of it. Adam finally convinced him to come to the ceremony and I was glad to have him here, but a part of me didn't want him here if he didn't want to come.

My smile was bright and huge on my face as I walked to get my diploma and shook hands with the principal. I felt proud of myself and accomplished that I actually was able to complete high school. I knew that plenty of kids did it every year, but I felt like I overcame something and rediscovered myself.

"You did it!" I felt arms wrap around me from behind and I instantly knew it was Michael.

I turned around, staying in his arms. I hadn't seen him a few months, but we had talked to each other everyday without fail. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him. He was surprised by the gesture and hesitated at first, but kissed me back after a moment. His kiss was familiar and new at the same time, not having kissed him in so long. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he pulled me close by my waist. He pulled away too soon, but I knew we were in public.

"What was that for?" he asked, his breath tickling my ear.

I just shrugged as I slipped my hand into his to go find my dad and brother. I thought he may pull his hand away, but he held on tight and I was glad. I wasn't quite sure what our relationship was right now. We were together, but he was gone so much that I had been focusing on myself and graduation. Yes, we talked everyday and we acted like boyfriend and girlfriend, but I wasn't sure if that's what we were. I wasn't with anyone else, but I had no way of knowing if he was. I tried to tell myself that I was ok with this, but I knew that I wasn't. I knew I was going to have to figure out what was going on now that graduation was over.

"Congrats, Sum!" Adam pulled me into a hug when we found him and my dad standing by a tree outside.

"Thanks," I smiled. I looked over to my dad. He was dressed in a light blue button up shirt and black dress pants. It was the first time I'd seen him dress up in a long time, I think since mom's funeral. He looked down at me, not saying a word. I thought maybe he would hug me or say something, but he was completely silent. To break the silence, I finally said, "thanks for coming. It means a lot."

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