Chapter 27: Finding Out

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Summer's POV

It seemed like Michael had been off for the last few days. I wasn't sure why, but I tried ignoring it. I was hanging out with Calum today so I decided to ask him.

"I think he's fine," we were in Calum's room watching a movie.

I noticed his room was different, like he was packing to go somewhere. "Hey, are you going on a trip or something?"

"Uh, I might. Not sure yet. I was packing just in case." Now he seemed to be acting weird. I leaned back on his bed and tried to focus on the movie, but I couldn't. "You wouldn't hide something from me, right?"

"Nope," he said, but he had hesitated a bit.

I covered my face with my hands and I knew I was on the verge of tears. "God, why does everyone keep secrets from me?" I groaned.

"It's not my place to tell you Summer, ok? Trust me, if I could tell you I would. I want to tell you so badly but Michael should be the one to tell you."

I looked at Calum closely and then around his room at the half packed suitcases and it all clicked. "You're leaving. You're all leaving," it wasn't a question, but more of trying to convince myself. Calum didn't say a word, but pulled me to his chest. I made a mess of his t-shirt with my tears. When I got the strength to speak again, I asked, "when are you leaving?"

Calum shook his head, "you need to talk to Michael. It's not my place."

I cried even harder. "It's soon isn't it?" Again, Calum said nothing and I took his nonanswer as a yes. "Why, Calum? After everything was getting back to normal and I was happy again. I'm going to miss you so much. I love you, you know?"

Calum held me tighter, his skin warm against me. "I love you too, Summer."

I'm not sure how long he held me, but when my tears finally dried it was dark out and I had two missed calls from Michael. I called him as I left Calum's.

"Hey, Winter. What've you been up to?" his voice cheery. I thought I was out of tears, but I couldn't hold them back. They spilled out of my eyes before I could even say a word. "Babe, what's wrong?" I shook my head, forgetting I was on the phone and he couldn't see me. "Summer? Where are you? Tell me where you are. I'm gonna come to you."

"I thought you weren't going to let me go," I said through my sobs. I had stopped to sit on a park bench on the walk to my house. It was too difficult to walk while crying this much. I noticed a few people staring at me as they walked by.

"Calum told you," there was a bit of an edge to his voice.

"He didn't have to! I figured it out." I wiped my eyes and wished I wasn't in public but in my room.

"Summer, I was waiting for the right moment to tell you. Please, tell me where you are."

"I'm in the park," I answered before hanging up. I hugged my knees to my chest and put my head down.

He arrived ten minutes later, out of breath. I felt his arms wrap around me, making me feel safe. I peeked up at him, looking him in the eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, there were huge bags under his eyes and his hair was going in every direction. "What did Calum say?"

I shook my head, "Nothing, he said you needed to tell me."

Michael's POV

There was a part of me that was angry at Calum, but I knew that he didn't say anything. Summer figured it out on her own and I knew she was going to find out eventually. She had to, we were leaving in two days. Why didn't I tell her sooner? I was such an idiot. She was gonna hate me all over again because I was breaking that stupid promise. Why did I make that promise? I knew I would break it, somehow someday. I just didn't think it would be this soon.

I was ecstatic about getting signed. A record deal. We were going to actually have a record recorded in an actual studio. I honestly couldn't believe it. We started this band for fun and now it was becoming more serious, something that we could do for a living. Something I wanted to do for a living. The only bad thing was leaving Summer.

I found her sitting on a park bench, curled up in a ball. She looked so small, fragile almost. She was wearing one of my sweatshirts which made her look even smaller. I wrapped my arms around her and she looked at me. I was surprised when she said Calum hadn't told her anything.

"The band got signed after our gig the other week. The label wants us to move forward with writing and recording, but from their studio-"

"Which isn't in Australia," she cut me off.

"No," I sighed. "It's in LA."

"LA?" she sat up, putting her legs down. Her eyes were wide in surprise. "When do you leave?" I was so nervous to tell her that my stomach was sick. I had no idea how she would take it. "Michael, please. When do you leave?"

"Two days," I said finally.

"You're leaving in two days?!" her quiet demeanor was gone and replaced with anger. "When were you going to tell me?"

"I was waiting for the right time," I tried to explain. "I didn't want to upset you. Things were going so well and-"

"You didn't want to upset me? Wait for the right time? Well way to Michael! You didn't avoid that. You know, I don't know why I even believed that promise or why I even thought it was a possibility. Nobody stays forever anyway." She stood up from the bench and stormed off in the direction of her house.

"Summer, please wait!"

"Wait for what?" she turned around. "Wait for your excuses? For more stupid explanations? I can't do this Michael."

I caught up to her and grabbed her hands. "Why are you acting like this is going to end our relationship? I'm only going to be gone for a few months. This isn't how I wanted you to find out, but I'm going to come back for you. I love you. I'm not leaving you," I kept my tone calm and comforting.

"How do I know you're going to come back? I can't live my life waiting for someone," her voice was sad.

"Because I only have eyes for you and I plan on keeping my promise of not letting you go," I put my hand behind her neck and kissed her with passion. She didn't kiss me back at first, but finally gave into it.

"Don't let me down, Mikey. I don't think I have it in me to be let down."

"I made you a promise, didn't I?"

She nodded and kissed me again. I just hoped I could keep my promise.

Michael's leaving ): thank you so much for reading! I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend (: xx zoe

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