Chapter 11: The Show

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Michael's POV

I looked at the caller I.D. on my phone and was confused by the number I didn't recognize. "Hello?" I asked slowly.

"Hey, it's Summer. Sorry I had to call you off my home phone. My dad still has my cell."

"Hey. Are you almost ready? You still want me to pick you up before the show right?" Tonight was our gig in town. We planned that I was going to pick her up from her house and she would ride with me and the boys to the venue. If they were to not get mad at me I would need to pick her up in the next half an hour. Summer was silent on the other line. I could just see her gripping the phone to her ear and the crease in her forehead. "What is it?"

"I have a slight problem...I'm grounded until tomorrow."

"But you said you could come. This is our biggest show!" I didn't even hide that I was upset.

"It's not my fault, Mikey! If anything, it's yours. You're the one that made me go to that party and gave me alcohol which made me stay out all night and miss curfew! Don't blame me," she yelled into the phone.

"God, Winter!"

"What did you call me?"

"You weren't acting like yourself, so I called you the opposite of your name."

She giggled. "I really am sorry."

"Me too, Winter."

"Don't call me that!" I could tell she had a smile on her face and I wanted nothing more than to see it in person.

"I kinda like it actually," I replied honestly. "Do you think you could sneak out?" I risked asking.

Summer's POV

I contemplated what Michael just asked. Could I sneak out? If I got caught, I would definitely get into a lot more trouble. I really wanted to see his band play though and it was important to him. I didn't want to disappoint him.

"Let me try. But if anything, I'll meet you there, ok?" I didn't want to get his hopes up if I couldn't pull it off. I'd never snuck out before and my palms were already sweating with my nerves.

"Alright. I hope to see you there. I've gotta go get ready."

"Good luck. I know you don't need it though," I said before hanging up the phone on the wall.

I ran upstairs to my room and looked at the outfit laid out on my bed. I knew in my mind before I called him that he was going to ask me to sneak out and I had picked it out the day I found out about the gig. It wasn't anything special, but not something I would normally wear either. I pulled on the high waisted grey wash jean shorts and the white tank top. I tucked it in and pulled the red plaid shirt over it. I looked in the mirror and decided it actually looked good. I decided to stick with my vans because they were me and I loved them. My blonde hair was still straight from when I flat ironed it before school, so I just ran my brush through it. I sighed as I walked out of my room and down the hall to Adam's. I knocked and he didn't answer. I rolled my eyes and knocked again.

"What?" he yelled over his music.

"Can I come in?" I asked, already opening the door.

"I guess so," he replied. He turned off his music and shut his laptop. "What do you want? And what are you wearing?" He looked me up and down, narrowing his eyes.

"I need your help." I wasn't sure why I was even asking him for help considering he didn't like Michael, but I wanted to cover my bases in case dad finds out I'm gone.

"With what?" I'm about to answer him when he says, "let me guess. You want help sneaking out to see that guy."

"It's not like that Adam. I'm sneaking out to see just him." I gave him a pleading look.

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