Chapter 10: Be Careful

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Michael's POV

"Put your phone away! She hasn't answered you every other time you've called and she hasn't answered your texts. We're trying to have band practice."

"Do you really want to look that needy, man?"

"Our gig is in less than two weeks!"

The guys kept getting mad that I wouldn't stop checking my phone to see if Summer had called or texted me back. I was worried though and I was feeling something I hadn't felt since Tabitha. I ignored their words and called her again. Straight to voicemail just like all the other times. I tried convincing myself something happened to her phone. I hung up and slipped my phone back in my pocket. "Ok, I'm ready," I said and picked up my guitar.

"You better be ready when we need you for the gig, Michael," Ashton chastised me.

"Stop acting like a parent. You know I care about this gig just as much as all of you."

"We know that. You just need to show it," Luke said, shaking his head and lifting his arms up in exasperation.

"Whatever. Are we gonna play or not?"

They all nodded and we started playing our song Out of My Limit. I pushed Summer out of my head and focused on the song.

"Is Summer the reason you were so distracted at other practices?" Calum inquired.

I shrugged. "Let's run the song again," I said and ignored his question.

Calum rolled his eyes and I was glad he let the question go. We practiced for another couple of hours. We were practicing more than normal because of the the gig coming up. I was actually getting really nervous for it. We've only played in front of super small crowds so I hoped I didn't get stage fright. I couldn't wait to ask Summer to come because she understood music. I just hoped that she liked our music.


"Michael! You can't get any more late slips. Get up!" my mom yelled up the stairs. I yawned and stretched. I checked the time. If I hurried, I could make it to school on time. After dressing in my uniform that I found on the floor, not checking if it was clean or not, I ran down the stairs and out the door past my mom.

Summer was already in her seat in English. She smiled as I walked past her to my desk, but she didn't say anything. I dropped my backpack on the floor by my desk and leaned back in my seat. I was about to lean forward and say something to her when class started. I guess I'd have to wait until after.

Class went by ridiculously slow. Every five minutes I found myself checking the clock and I didn't hear a word the teacher said. I just wanted to talk to Summer and figure out why she didn't respond or call me back. It didn't seem like her.

Summer's POV

When Michael walked into class, I wanted to stand up and pull him into a hug and tell him I was sorry I never called him. Then I rethought that action because we were in class and I didn't want to look like a freak, so I just smiled. Class was about to start so I figured we could just talk after or at lunch. I knew he ate lunch with his friends, but I thought I could maybe eat with them now. I didn't want to invite myself though and intrude on his friend time. I was thinking to hard on this. The bell interrupted my thoughts and I realized I hadn't taken any notes, but instead a bunch of little hearts were doodled all over the page in my notebook. Why hadn't I taken any notes? And what was class even about today? I thought. I sighed as I closed it and sobbed it in my backpack along with my pen. I looked up from putting my stuff away to find Michael standing before me.

"Hi," he said with a smirk upon his lips.

"Don't do that!" I said holding a hand to my chest. "You scared me."

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