Chapter 9 : Ragna Fights The Golem!

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Ragna stood a distance away from the golem. The golem was still motionless because Ragna hadn't got himself into its range. It sat firmly to guard whatever it was inside the temple.

Ragna took a deep breath, he already calculated the range of the golems beforehand. In a few steps, he would activate the golem. The range was approximately a few meters.

Ragna looked at the golem resolutely. He had to beat it today!

He channeled his energy into his fist. He felt that his mana was slowly consumed by the skill.

Whilst channeling, he started to run as fast as he can towards the golem!

The golem had a brief lag before it could fully activate, as it was in an immobile condition normally. This was exactly what Ragna was aiming. He had to strike before the golem could prepare itself.

A surprise attack!


Mana Strike!


The fist slammed right into the golem's face. Even though the destruction power was clearly smaller than when he practiced, it still does a considerable damage to the golem.

Raka aimed the attack at the golem's eyes. He knew that the gems inside the golem's eyes were its power source and detection mechanism. Luckily, the shining red radiance from the gem had dimmed considerably, showing that his plan actually worked.


The golem lost about an eight of its life. Clearly, the new skill had worked beautifully.

Ragna sidestepped to go behind the golem. He threw a few punch to the golem's joint, utilizing every opportunity he had before the golem fully stabilizes.

he had to strike while the iron is hot!

-3.. -5.. -4..

Even though the damage was far inferior to using skill, it was still a damage. He couldn't utilize the skill rashly. He had to use the right opportunity to maximize the damage from his skill.

Right before the golem could stabilize itself by standing up, Ragna threw his last punch using the skill. He was aiming at its legs joints.

Mana Strike!


The damage was a bit smaller than before, it was because Ragna threw the skill quickly without slowly charging its power.

The golem slightly quivered, but it quickly stabilized himself. Obviously, it couldn't be easily thrown off balance. Still, Ragna had accomplished his goal. The golem was moving a bit sluggishly, it also had a bit of difficulty in locating him.

He had to keep taking advantage of the opportunity. Ragna constantly moved around the golem, trying to confuse it.

The golem brandished its fist. The fist came smashing into his head. Unfortunately, he already predicted the strike and was ready to react.

He moved closer to the golem, while closely dodging the attack. The distance between him and the punch was very close.

The fist smashed into the floor. The golem entered its end animation for the attack, Ragna used this opportunity to throw a barrage of punch into the golem's other eye. Ending it with a mana strike for more than 40 damage.

Before the golem could counterattack him, he already moved to space behind it. Distancing himself and the golem to prepare for his another attack.

He continued the same pattern for a few exchange before he realized the dire situation that he was in.

He got no mana left!

The golem still had less than a fifth of its health left. A combination of punch and skill could shave about an eighth of the golem's health.

To just normal attack the golem while it still had that much health left meant that he had to land a punch for dozens of times. Of course, without getting hit at all. Ragna's amount of health didn't matter at all. Even when he's at full health, the golem could just instantly kill him in a single strike.

Ragna bit his lips. He knew he had to keep concentrating. In fact, he had to increase his concentration for this part of the battle.

Ragna kept dodging the golem's attack perfectly. He slipped in a few punch before pulling back to retreat. This process continued for dozens of times.

If normal people were to put in Ragna's situation, they wouldn't even be able to last for this long. As a matter of fact, they may even die at the first few exchanges.

Even experts should at least felt a bit despair at his situation. Strangely, Ragna was smiling!

He felt an extremely new experience while fighting the golem. He felt that everything seemed familiar to him. It was very refreshing!

Ragna kept exchanging blows with the golem, except that Ragna didn't even take a single hit from it.

Right at the last moment, he jumped using the golem's enormous fist that had planted itself to the floor as a platform. He jumped right into the golem's head which stood tall with a height of more than 2.5 Meters.

He knew that his mana had regenerated. Now he had a single use of Mana Strike available.

He used his last Mana Strike at the golem's face!

Smacking its face at the last moment!

The golem, having lost all its health and power, flew backward and hit the floor. It trembled slightly but it didn't move again.

Ragna clenched his fist while panting heavily. He raised his hand and shouted.

"I Win! Hahahaha!"

Ragna won against the golem! He won the match even though he was heavily disadvantaged!

Suddenly, rays of red light slowly gathered from the golem's body and eyes. It congealed into a red orb full of radiance which shot towards Ragna's body.

Ragna could do nothing to react against it. Contrary to what he expected, he felt a surge of warmth inside his body. He felt that his body was being nourished by the red light.


Congratulations for beating the Blood Temple's Guardian!
The Guardian is a strong construct powered by the Blood Gem and imbued with the will of the Blood Master. Because of defeating the golem, you have absorbed the power left behind the Blood Gem and Blood Master's will.

+2 All Stats

And then, his hand suddenly felt itchy. He saw that a black tattoo was slowly materializing in his right arm, right on top of his artery. It was an engraving of a seemingly ancient symbol. The symbol slightly resembled a man fighting a giant. One could see the word 'one' engraved in the center of it.


You have defeated an opponent much stronger than you in a very unfavorable battle. Because of your bravery and unwavering spirit, you have been granted a title :

Brave Challenger (First Tier - 0%)
Effect : +10% attack against higher leveled or stronger opponent

Ragna looked at the symbol with a big smile, then he couldn't help but laugh heartily. He really hit the jackpot this time!

The stats gained was comparable to gaining 12 attribute points for each stats. One had to know that raising a level normally could only add 10 attribute points. He only killed one golem and the effect was already comparable to raising a level!

This was insane!

Of course, this reward came because of his effort. He deserved it.

Then, he looked at his newly acquired title. He knew a bit about 'title', but he never heard about a title that has a tier. Even the effect was strong enough to make people died in jealousy.

The plus 10% attack meant that he could fight higher leveled monster with ease. He would be able to get more experience points that way!

Ragna was feeling very ecstatic. But he wasn't satisfied, yet. He knew that there were at least 5 other golems that he had seen in this area.

More free stats!

He licked his lips while slowly regulating his breath. It seemed that this place wasn't as bad as he thought initially.

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