Chapter 65: Five vs Twenty

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Ragna took a deep breath. He calmed himself down before looking at the enemies. There were about twenty of them. Ragna and Dreg had killed a squad with more demon, but that's with the pretense that they could freely run away and employ guerilla tactic.

This time, they had to fight them head on. Ragna also wouldn't dare to do it If not for the fact he had improved his weapon and level. However, there's no such thing as a perfect scenario on a battlefield. No one could guarantee that this plan wouldn't go south at the critical moment.

Naturally, he had made ample preparations.

"Earth Wall!"

Ragna quickly cast an Earth Wall to start the fight. The Red Demons who saw it immediately thought that they were going to run away. They charged toward Ragna's group to pursue them.

Before they could get close, a huge boulder flew toward them. It crashed toward one of the charging Red Demon Warrior. Even though he didn't instantly die, his health was reduced by half.

Ragna's group didn't run. The Earth Wall was meant for baiting the Red Demons. In fact, they were already waiting in a formation behind the Earth Wall. Prince Artha was giving Ragna all of the buffs he had while his followers standing guard in case someone broke through.

Ragna looked at his status screen. Clear Mind, Enhanced Wisdom, and Boundless Mana were applied to him. All of these were high-ranked buffs that were still unknown to the players. Clear Mind and Enhanced Wisdom increased Intelligence and Wisdom stats respectively while Boundless Mana increased Ragna's mana capacity and regeneration.

Ragna was also shocked when he saw that his Boulder Smash could deal that much damage toward the Red Demon Warrior. These Demons were after all slightly above level 40. Even the current elite teams had to spend quite a time to deal that much damage.

Ragna glanced at Prince Artha who was still busy giving him the buffs. It seemed like he was more suited to become a support character such as Priest instead of a Paladin. Nevertheless, he's already satisfied with the result.

The Demon Warriors were getting nearer. About half of the overall squad were close-combatant. At this moment, they had covered about half of the starting distance. Even the ranged attackers had begun to position themselves into attacking stance. Suddenly, they felt the ground beneath them went soft. It was Quagmire.

Even though their movements were a bit obstructed, they still marched nonetheless. The burning fervor that was apparent in their eyes seemed to fuel their spirit. In fact, it was to the point of bloodlust. As if they couldn't stand living under the same heaven with humans.

Seeing that the Earth Boulder wasn't really effective against these Demons, Ragna changed his spell to Earth Spike. Because of the faster cooldown, he could cast them rapidly. Every time he saw a Demon gaining momentum, he would strike it with his Spike to halt their march. Even though the damage was only about 20% of their total health, it proved to be more effective in delaying their movement. One Demon even died from Ragna's barrage of spells.

Unfortunately, because of focusing on that particular Demon, the other Demon managed to utilize the opening to close down the gap. They were already in front of Ragna's group!

A Demon brandished his huge axe, preparing to strike Ragna. He was their utmost priority right now.


The sound of metal clashing into each other could be heard. One of Prince Artha's elites blocked the attack before it could get through. The Demon was knocked backward from the simple exchange, showing who the one that held the advantage was. Ragna could see that even though Prince Artha and his followers were at a similar level as the Demons, they were considerably stronger than them. It was closely related to their title as an elite.

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