Chapter 20 : Meet and Greet

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The sun was shining bright atop the clear sky. The temperature was hot, but it wasn't scorching because of the cold and windy air. However, the intensity of the sunlight could make people think twice before deciding to go out.

A group of young girls could be seen inside a cafe near the shopping district. It was apparent that they too were avoiding the sun. It seemed like they were still in high school because of the uniforms they wore.

One of the girls had big beautiful eyes. She had a short hair and could be considered a bit tomboy, but she had a LOT of admirers in her school. They seemed to be attracted by her innate charm. Of course, it was Nina.

"Nina, what university will you choose later?" said one of the girls. College and future matters were the hottest topics for high school students in their last year.

"Um. Bandung University of course" Her answer was somewhere between optimistic and pessimistic. It was to be expected because she had the determination but lacked the ability.

"Whoa, such a high target" another girl exclaimed "But are you sure? I mean, it's quite hard to get accepted there"

Quite hard? Your sister is quite hard! It is extremely hard! said Nina inwardly. At times like this, she couldn't help but show a bit of her wild side.

"Yeah, I am sure! A hundred percent sure!" said Nina determinedly. At least, she couldn't show her weak side again.

"Hmm? Why are you so determined, though? Is there a particular reason?"

"Hahaha it must be because of her brother!" said another girl teasingly

"Hahahaha it must be!"

Nina smacked her face with her palm. Her answer was wrong either way. At times like this, it was best to let them laugh until they got bored.

"But aren't you afraid that your brother will be seduced by a hot sister there?"

"Yea, yea! I mean, your brother is quite handsome if I may say so. His gaze was somehow able to pierce my heart!"

Nina nearly fell from her chair. It turned out that her friends were part of his brother's secret fans club. But she quickly recovered, it was a common occurrence anyway. Her brother and his friends were quite a lady killer everywhere they went.

"Nah, he won't," said Nina flatly.

"But why?" asked all the other girls.

"He's bad with girls"

"How come you're so sure?"

"Uhh.." Nina went silent for a bit before continuing "I don't know?"

Now it was the girls' turn to nearly fall from their chair.


Raka felt like sneezing but the urge to sneeze suddenly vanished. Leaving him with the itchy nose and awkward feeling. He cursed inwardly. 'How come there are people who talk behind me half-heartedly? At least finish it!'

Raka already logged off from the game. He had tried to sleep but he couldn't. He felt exhausted and excited at the same time. It was the perfect combination to torture someone who need to sleep.

It was the result from overexerting himself. Even though his body felt rejuvenated, the strain in his mind couldn't be cured except by truly resting. Though he felt like after a few more hours of rest, he could get back into his top condition.

He was about to close his eyes before suddenly his phone rang. It was a notification for an agenda...

"Oh god..."

While silently cursing, Raka got up and prepared himself. It turned out that there was an important event for him to attend to that day.


Dago Park, 9 AM

The sounds of chattering and laughter could be heard. Inside the park was a crowd of young man and woman with a bright expression. They were actively trying to chat and get to know each other. It was the internal meet and greet event which was being held by Raka's class.

"I wish that this event will be over quick,.." Raka thought inwardly. If it wasn't because of his senior's threat, he wouldn't even come. His seniors said that they will see the attendance list and will mark anyone who didn't come.

Raka knew that his senior's intention was actually good. They wanted their juniors to be able to know each other, improving their solidarity. It was a bit excessive, though.

"Endure. For my peaceful college life,well defined" Raka silently encouraged himself. But, his aura was a bit.. dark, making those who wanted to approach him to quietly back down.

There were lots of people who wanted to approach him, with mostly being a woman. They were attracted to his well-defined body and handsome face. Unfortunately, because of his aura, the girls couldn't bring themselves to greet him.

Though, there were also some who found his dark and cold expression to be attractive...

Raka was about to fall asleep when suddenly a loud voice could be heard, waking him up from his long awaited dreamland.

"Hi, everyone! My name is Ghani! Is there any of you who played Maya here?"

The crowd suddenly erupted with loud cheers! Maya was the hottest topic these days. Most of the students here had an amazing background and of course a lot of money. Of course, excluding few people like Raka who got scholarships.

The discussion continued. They were talking about their levels, equipment, current quests and so on. The topic was endless.

At one point, the guy who started the discussion raised his voice again and asked.

"How about if we create a hunting group or even a guild?"

The discussion went hot again. Some people disagreed, and some agreed. At the end of the day, they settled with creating a group for occasional hunt. It was only a group in the name because the game only accepted guild as an official community.

Obviously, Ghani was appointed as the leader. He had the highest level of them all. He was a warrior at late 20s.

It was apparent that he brought the talk to bring fame to himself. No one complained, though. They were quite happy themselves to be able to befriend one of the high leveled players.

Ghani quickly listed all the Characters and IDs. Everything was to ensure that everyone could know each other. He asked everyone their class and levels to make a thorough statistic. After a while, it was Raka's turn.

"Hi bro, you played Maya right? What level and class?" Ghani asked politely. It wasn't the time to act conceited. He needed to show his strength in the game first before crowning himself as the alpha in that group.

"Huh.." Raka was a bit absent minded because of his condition. He answered apathetically "Level 1, mage"

Everyone looked at him with weird eyes. It was normal for people to be low leveled. But it was abnormal for them to stay at level 1! Even someone who played only for a night could advance to level 2 without any difficulty.

Noob! This guy must be a noob!

Ghani quickly ignored him. In his head, the name 'Raka' was already deleted. He didn't even bother to ask for his ID before continued asking other.

Of course, Raka wouldn't give a damn for whatever Ghani thought about him. He was currently exhausted! He just wanted to sleep!

Unexpectedly, there was a group of young woman who was trying to use this opportunity. They had a perverted grin in their face. These sisters wanted to get closer to him by helping him level up.

These sisters actually wanted to eat him up!


Author Note : had a time haha. Enjoy the first chap of the new arc!

Indonesia's Fact #10

Most people know about Bali Island, but some don't even know that it is located inside a country called Indonesia.

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