Chapter 10 : Strange Neighbor

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Inside the temple, the sound of something hard smashing into each other could be heard. The ground trembled unceasingly. There were even debris and dust flown everywhere. Of course, it was Ragna battling the golems.


Ragna was frantically dodging the golems' attack. There were two golems attacking him continuously. They had a great coordination, covering each other's opening, especially when they entered their end attack animation.

At first, Ragna was confused on how to deal with them. But, it was already his second time meeting two golems in a fight. His first fight ended with Ragna winning in a bad shape. It was to be expected because he had to think while fighting them.

Fortunately, he found the right way to fight them.

Ragna was surrounded by the golems. There was one in front of him and behind him. Strangely, he didn't panic and start moving toward the golem in front of him.

The golems reacted by brandishing their fist, trying to smash Ragna into pieces. Ragna slightly bent his posture, he dodged the golem's punch by moving to space right below it. He kept moving until he reached the golem's back.

The second golem's attack was stopped abruptly. It couldn't afford to hit its own comrade. Ragna used this opportunity to use the skill at the golem's back.

Mana Strike!

The golem was blasted from the force of his skill. He flew backward, hitting the second golem's body. They both stumbled and Ragna used this opportunity to throw a few more punches.

The golem quickly stabilized itself. Unfortunately, their position was already within Ragna's grasp. They were standing in a line, whereas Ragna stood at one of its ends. This way, the second golem couldn't attack him freely.

By only facing one golem, Ragna felt less pressure. He could exchange blows more efficiently.

Of course, he had to ensure that they stayed in line. He had to constantly move and change his position.

After a few more exchanges, the first golem dropped into the floor. Ragna felt a surge of warm light nourishing his body. He also heard a system notification, telling him that he already got his stats reward.

After killing the first golem, he didn't go for the second golem right away. The reason was because he had spent most of his mana. It wasn't at the rock bottom but clearly wasn't enough to kill the second golem.

He quickly ran into outside the golem's range and sat down to slowly recover his mana. In this place where there were no shops available, his only source of replenishing mana was to rely on his own innate regeneration capability. Sitting down could help increase the regeneration rate.

After fully recovering his mana, he went straight for the second golem. He used the same strategy as the very first golem he fight in this temple. By using the surprise attack, he could gain an early advantage.


The second golem crumbled into pieces. Another red light flew toward Ragna, giving him more free stats. He already killed 6 golems.

It had only been two days and his stats already rose for about 7 levels. Yesterday ended with him being very tired after the battle with two golems. He decided to rest and continue today.

It hadn't been an hour and he already killed two more golems. Going at this pace, he was very sure that he could catch-up to his friends soon.

"Status Screen!"

Status Screen  Name Ragna

Level 1            Class None      Title Brave Challenger

HP 250   MP220      Attack 32-36      Defence 35     Strength   11 (+13)      Endurance12 (+13           Agility  8(+13)  Dexterity  8(+13)  Intelligence  10 (+13)   Wisdom9 (+13)

Seeing his improved stats, Ragna couldn't help but grin. This place was truly a treasure trove! He couldn't wait to see what kind of thing that was guarded inside. It had to be a treasure.

"Let's continue, shall we?" mumbled Ragna while moving toward the deeper part of the temple.

He could barely see another golem standing motionlessly in a distance a bit far away from him. From the looks of it, there was three golem in a triangular position. Two in front, the rest in the back. The one in the back had red lines covering its whole body. It doesn't seem like a normal golem.

Raka grinned. Even though he knew that the difficulty would be increased again, he would gladly receive it.

By keep doing battle, he could increase his battle sense!

On top of it, a hard battle could keep him excited. He slowly realized that he may actually be a battle maniac.


Raka woke up with a bright expression. Last night was very rewarding for him. The battle was very hard, but the rewards it gave were also very generous. When he beat the golems with the red line, the elite guardian, he got a whopping amount of +3 to all stats.

After finishing two rounds of the elite golem's squad, Raka got himself a total of +14 stats. That was equivalent to raising 8-9 levels!

Unfortunately, the stats was equally distributed. If Raka could allocate it himself, he would be very overpowered. Just imagine a level 1 fighter with more than 150 points allocated in strength. A single fist would be enough to obliterate anyone.

Currently, all the experts' level were at the mid-20s, with a few exceptional individual at late 20s. Raka's current power was at late 10s, placing himself a bit above average.

Of course, there was no guarantee that those experts didn't encounter another great luck and opportunity similar to Raka.

After taking a bath, Raka tidied himself a bit. Today, he wanted to go to the porridge stall again. It had been a few days since that matter regarding the mysterious young lady. People should be forgetting about it already.

Just when he got out of his room, the door of the room beside him suddenly opened. It seemed that his neighbor wanted to go out as well

"Hello, good morning" Raka greeted his neighbor politely

His neighbor was a bit strange. His eyes were covered by his bangs. He had a black messy hair. Strangely, he didn't look messy at all. In fact, his clothing was very neat. He also kept his hygiene well. Raka could tell by looking at his fresh appearance.

The strange neighbor was a bit startled at first. Then he nodded at Raka's greeting.

"My name is Raka, a freshman at the University of Bandung. Economics Department. What about you?"

His neighbor didn't answer right away. He was silent for a bit before answering in a very small voice.

"Bram. Second Year. Same university. Communication Department"

"Uhh ok, Brother Bram. Nice to meet you"

Bram didn't even reply to Raka before walking away to the boarding house's exit. He just glanced at Raka slightly.

'What a strange fellow'

Raka couldn't help but shake his head. This neighbor of his was really strange. His hair was messy yet he had a neat appearance. He was majoring in communication, but he couldn't even interact well with his neighbor.

'Well, no use in thinking about it'

Raka decided to not stuck his head into his neighbor's matter. He waited a bit before heading out to avoid meeting with his neighbor again in the parking lot. That would be awkward.

Today, he had to celebrate his gains in Maya. He already prepared to order two servings of porridge!

Wait, that wasn't grand enough.

Let's add a few extra slices of chicken, then!

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