Chapter 30 : Mutation! Shadow Wolf!

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The Black Wolf Leader was mutating!

Ragna was startled when he saw the scene in front of him. He never thought that a normal Leader-type monster could mutate. He assumed that a mutation was only exclusive for Hidden or Special BOSS such as Snake-Eyed Ape King.

It seemed that a BOSS could mutate if all the requirements were met. In this scenario, Ragna could guess that everything was related to him killing all the wolves under its command. Maybe by doing everything by himself was also one of its requirement. There was no way to prove his theory.

Ragna gurgled a bottle of Mana Potion and Health Potion. He also collected the blood from the wolf's corpse into 5 hovering Blood Orbs. Then, he clenched his fist and adjusted his mental state to his peak. This Mutated Leader-type Monster wouldn't be easy to deal with.

The swirling darkness stopped moving around the Wolf Leader's Body. The remaining shadow went toward its face. The sight of darkness being absorbed by its facial orifice was truly terrifying.

After a while, it stopped. The only thing left was a pure black creature with a bloody red claw. Even its eyes were black. It didn't roar, it only stared at Ragna without any expression.

Ding !

Leader-type -> BOSS-type (Mutated)

Shadow Wolf
Level : 30

All of a sudden, it moved toward Ragna. Its pace wasn't fast but the distance it covered was enormous. Ragna was startled when the wolf suddenly appeared in front of him!

Whung! Crimson Claw !

Blood Red Claw swiped toward Ragna's body. He quickly parried the attack with his own fist. He didn't have enough time to cast his Soul Strike. Naturally, the exchange resulted in him being sent back a few steps.

Ragna quickly readied his Soul Strike while closely watching the Shadow Wolf. He was now fully prepared for any of its attacks. Sure enough, the wolf silently pounced toward him which he closely dodged by moving sideways.

Left! Soul Strike!

When the strike was about to hit, the wolf suddenly disappeared. It dissipated into freckles of shadows which slowly vanished into the air. The attack didn't connect!


Ragna felt scorching pain at his waist. He was surprised to see that the wolf suddenly appeared on his right side. The Crimson Claw managed to hit him cleanly, reducing his health by an astonishing amount of 30%. He was also being sent back a few steps because of the force.

He quickly clutched his waist's right side, it was dripping with blood. No matter how hard he tried to stop it, the wound wouldn't close. He was afflicted with one of the irregular condition, Bleeding.

Aside from confusion, stun/flinch, there also existed other irregular conditions such as Bleeding. Bleeding would continuously decrease player's health for a fixed amount of time. Moreover, the player's movement speed would also be slightly reduced.

The attack had to have a special ability to be able to inflict those kinds of effect. In this case, the Shadow Wolf's Crimson Claw had the ability to do so. Usually, the equipped weapon had a significant role in determining its type. Claws and Daggers had a close relation with Bleeding, whereas Blunt Weapon such as mace normally could inflict Stun.

Also, the chance would increase if one could hit the target perfectly.

Ragna gritted his teeth while staring at the expressionless Shadow Wolf in front of him. It seemed like this battle wouldn't be as easy as he predicted it would be.


"Great! What a great story!"

"Hehehe thank you, Mrs. Rina, you are flattering me. I think I'm just lucky this time" The girl blushed a bit. She had bangs which covered her eyes. People could guess that she was a bit timid from the way she looked.

"Lucky? You don't get lucky all the time, Dania! When yo do, that's what you call a skill! This story is, what I call, a product of skill!" Mrs. Rina pointed at the white manuscript atop the table. Her voice, was a bit loud, making the people around them to notice.

Dania quickly covered the manuscript with her hands "Ssshhh! What if other people notice my work!" She stared at Mrs. Rina angrily.

"Hehehe my bad, my bad. I was just too excited" She took a sip of her coffee. "Still, I don't really understand why you're so keen toward keeping your identity a secret"

Dania sighed. It's not that she didn't want to, but she couldn't. Her novels had too many similarities with her life. If someone she knew managed to found them. Well, let's just say that she couldn't show her face anymore.

Especially if that person knew...

Mrs. Rina patted Dania's head. her hands softly caressed her hair, making her eyes a bit visible. "Silly girl, you need a bit more courage. You are wasting your looks, you know?"

"And I happen to know how to help you do exactly that"

She then rummaged through her big tote bag, taking a box which had the size of a person's head. The word 'MAYA' could be seen written on it. By now, Dania could already guess what Mrs. Rina was going to do. She shook her head helplessly, there was no way she could refuse her.

"This will be your assignment. I hope you can find your courage here" Mrs. Rina said while grinning.



Ragna felt the air around him trembled. He could faintly see a bright red glow behind him. It was the Shadow Wolf's claw. Its attacks were savage, leaving him with no option other than to run.

He unleashed his magic one after another. Unfortunately, the wolf vanished when the attack was about to hit it. Even Earth Wall was not capable of hindering it in the slightest. Though, he had a hunch that his Blood Orbs may be able to hit it. Sadly, there was no way for him to successfully target. The Wolf was just too fast.

Of course, there should be a chance if he could manage to release it in close range. But by doing that, he would risk trading blows with it. Naturally, the Wolf would win the exchange.

He rummaged through his bag, searching for anything that could help him. Ragna had killed countless wolves before fighting The Wolf Leader. Naturally, there were items that dropped from the mobs. Those items' qualities were great, they could even combine into a set. It was the Black Wolf's Set.

He managed to find 3 parts, the Chest Guard, Pants, and Boots. Unfortunately...

Level Requirement : Level 20

He cursed inwardly. If it wasn't because of his high battle aptitude, he wouldn't hunt in such high leveled place. Because of that, the equipment that dropped were way above his level. Sure, he could catch up soon. But, the fact that he couldn't use them in a critical moment like this was a bit painful.

The wolf trailed behind him. If it wasn't because of his high agility, Ragna would have long since been caught by it. He glanced at the expressionless wolf while running. Then, he silently made a command. One of the orbs which were hovering around him suddenly jerked toward the chasing wolf. As expected, the wolf dodged it by moving sideways.

His prediction was correct. This wolf can't dodge the Orb's attack by vanishing. It had to dodge manually which is quite easy because of the distance.

Ragna counted the Orbs he had, there were 4 left. Gritting his teeth, he made his decision. He stopped running and quickly turned around. He was now facing the wolf. The wolf also stopped, silently waiting for his move.

His heart was thumping and his blood was boiling. He was itching for a battle. It was the feeling that he loved. One that no ordinary person would understand.

He readied his stance. The Blood Orbs around him started rotating. His hand glowed with blood red Light and his eyes flashed with determination.

No more running away!



Author Note : Whooo sorry for the late update. It was a truly hectic week. Had to go for a trip to Bandung, twice! And then I got sick. Well, let's just say that shits happened.

Thanks for all the rates! Big gratitude toward Mr. Treyon who posted a LONG review.

I think I missed some explanations on how the Game System works. Well, I spent most of the time explaining how the Battle System was and I may have forgotten to do so. One of the things mentioned was "Fighting a higher leveled opponent should increase the loot chance".

Well, that didn't happen because it didn't exist. I'll slowly explain more common sense and world building as the story progress. I hope I could clear all the misunderstandings when we finish the Book 1.

No Indonesian Fact today! Had no time (11.00 PM have to work tmrw)

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