Chapter 28 : Strange Ruin

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The loud howl of the wolves resounded in the air!

Ragna was running inside the forest while panting heavily. He could see a group of wolves chasing after him when he looked back.

He really hit the hornet's nest this time!

At first, he was hunting the wolves in a relaxed manner. He could effortlessly kill an isolated wolf. The mana he spent was only about a quarter of his total mana. Moreover, his soul usage was even lower than his mana's. It could be said that after resting for a few minutes, he could continue hunting the wolves like crazy.

Then, he got bored and tried to attack a pair of wolves. He could still manage to kill them after spending quite an effort. In fact, his blood was boiling when he did so. He quickly got addicted to challenging himself. Well, it was until he met a group of 3 wolves.

He admitted that he was being stupid when he provoked them. Of course, he could manage to beat them if he was given enough time. Unfortunately, one of the wolves managed to alarm the others. Resulting in a whole pack chasing after him. Ragna had overestimated himself this time.

He had been running for half an hour. These wolves didn't seem to get tired at all. They kept chasing and chasing after him like a group of zombies, except the fact that they were fast.

Ragna looked at his red satiety bar. After reaching level 10, players have to eat to survive. New players don't have to think about satiety because the system wanted to increase the game's difficulty step by step. Those noobs had their hands full with learning to fight. How could they have the energy left to think about what to eat?

When a player's satiety bar reached the point below 10%, their stats will gradually be weakened. That applied to all basic stats which meant his agility would be affected too. Agility was related to Evasion Rate, Reaction Speed, and Movement Speed. When Ragna hit that point, his movement speed would be slowly decreased. And when that happened... Well, let's just say that it would be his end.

Ragna quickly racked his brain to find the way out in this situation. He searched for everywhere for a place to hide or run to. Unfortunately, he could only see the black trees with crimson leaves no matter what direction he ran to.

15% ...

14% ...

He saw the bar slowly decreasing. He was flustered by now. The fact that he would be given a penalty and temporary restriction were enough reasons for him to have a nightmare.

13% ...

He looked at his back and saw that the wolves were actually closing in. It seemed like they were holding back their speed for the sudden outburst when he was about to be affected by the fatigue. He even prayed to the God to help him out from this predicament.

12% ...

Suddenly, he saw something weird quite a distance away from him. It was a strange building. Its yellow color stood out from its surroundings which were in majority of black or red.

That's it! The God really answered my prayer!

Raka sped toward the strange building. He cast an Earth Wall at the space between two trees behind him, giving him some more time.

11% ...

Because of the spell which he cast, the satiety bar now decreased by quite an amount compared to when he was just running. He wanted to curse the developers of this game, but yeah.. that was just Ragna being nonsensical.

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