Trying to escape

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Chapter 10
Jacks POV

"And where do you think you are going?" Mark said with a pissed off look and a stern look.

"Uh... Well you see... I was looking for the bathroom?" I said with a smirk.

"Hm could've asked." Mark looked even more pissed now that I said that.

I wasn't afraid of him. "I'm not a little kid I don't need to ask Mommy or Daddy to wipe my ass."

Marks POV

I looked Jack in the eyes when he said that. He was a brave bastard.

"But I am your daddy~"

I cleared my throat after he said that. I lifted up my hand and had Matt take Jack back to the table.

"Oh wait. Jack do you need to use the bathroom?" I said with a devilish grin.

"Nope! I'm good now." He said with a chuckle.

"Good. Let's have a dinner without you destroying our food."

We sat back at the table and started eating.

Jacks POV

I let out a loud annoyed sigh just to piss off Mark. I played with my food not taking a bite of what this hellish food could be. We sat there for about ten minutes with complete silence which started to get me angry.

"Well I'm not eating so it would be kindly appreciated if I can leave now." I looked up to see they all have finished there food and were waiting for me to finish.

"I'll take him back Sir." Matt said.

"No I got it." Mark said a bit quickly.

He tugged on the leash and I got up to follow him. When we were alone I pushed Mark up against the wall and kneed him the stomach. He coughed and looked at me and pushed my down but was still holding onto the leash so when I fell on the ground it broke. I got up and ran out the door and heard footsteps coming from right so I went left.

"Get that Angel bastard!" I heard that familiar deep voice yell out.

There footsteps were booming threw the place. I saw a quick turn and I took it. I leaned back on the wall watching his two idiots run past me. I let out a sigh of relief. Then I heard loud barks roar in the distance.

"The fuck." I muttered under my breath.

The barks got louder and I knew I had to start running again. I didn't even know where I was going just knew that I need to get out of here. When I looked back up one of the dogs were looking at me with snarling teeth and drool falling from its mouth.

"Good dog." I muttered. I did the stupid thing first and tried to pet it but as any other vicious dog would do it snapped at me.

The second thing I tried to do was turn around and make yet another run for it, but there were two dogs on the other side.

"Fucking Hell." I had enough. Then I remembered that I don't have the leash on and I could use my magic now.

I put all three dogs asleep and quietly started walking down the hall. I opened a random to be greeted with a big room. It had a ginormous bed in the middle. The bathroom was the size of a normal size room. I realized there was clothes on the floor, and I knew I need to get out. I walked out and felt those hands around my waist.

"You know I'm getting really tired of your shit." He hissed in my ear. "You could've keep running and running but never make it out, because once your a prisoner this place is like maze. Only I can lead you out."

His hot breath lead shivers down my spine. I let a shaky breathy fall from my mouth.
"What do you want?" I questioned.

I felt a smirk tug at his lips, and he nibbled my ear.


Another chapter! Wooo! I'm sorry. I had fun writing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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