The Office

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Chapter 19
Mark's POV

I finally got up from the edge of the bed and made my way down stairs again. When I got down there Matt was looking at the wall and counter. Once he noticed that I was here he looked at me with shock.

"What happened?" He asked with a surprised look.

"Nothing." I said in a monotonous voice.

"B-But how-" he said pointing to the counter and wall.

"It nothing to worry about Matt. Just go to work. I'll be in my office working on some blue prints and paper work." I said patting his back and walking away.

I turned around and Matt was still standing there trying to process everything, I just laughed and went through the big oak doors that led to my office. The office walls were lined up with books and there was a couch in front of my desk. My desk was dark oak wood and it shone with the black carpets. Behind my desk was a fire place and a big painting above it. The chair was leather, a dark red leather and when you sat in it, your body felt like it was sinking into it.

I walked over to my chair and sat down, pulling out the blue prints of Jack's castle. I started to trace out the path we would take, that wouldn't get us caught. I was so focused and caught up in what I was doing, I didn't realize the door opened and someone walked in. The door shut and that's when I looked up, Jack was standing there in my black sweater. It was clearly to big for him.

"Hi baby." I said going back down to my work.

"Hi." He said softly playing with the hem of the sweater.

"Why aren't you asleep?"

"I got lonely..."

I looked at him, and he bit his lip in a shy way. I shifted in my seat.

'He's so hot.'

I ignored the thought and got up. His baby blues looked at me through his green hair. I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it.

We stared at each other in a comfortable silence. I couldn't take it anymore, I walked up to him and pushed him up against the door and kissed him roughly. He moaned slightly, his hand tried to get free but were pinned above his head.

"Mark?" There was a knock on my door.

It was Ryan. God I can't do one thing without getting interrupted. I groaned but tried to ignore. I let Jack's hands drop and they immediately went under my shirt.

"Mark?! I know you are in there! Open the damn door."

"What could you possibly need!?" I yelled back, making Jack jump slightly.

"Where is he?!" I heard a Swedish accent."


To be continued...
Hiiii so for everyone that went to Pax I hope you guys had an amazing time. Hope you got to meet everyone you wanted to meet. Me on the other hand, I was sulking in my room watching YouTube and looking at pax pictures:')

Anyway hoped you enjoyed

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