I Hate You, I Love You..

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There's always those characters.
Two different extremes of the spectrum.
Both equally as painful to read about.

There's always that person who has all their characters love their main character. Always.

And there's always that person who has all their characters hate their main character. 

These are both really annoying and they piss me off so much.

Let's be real. There's always going to be someone who hates you. You're never going to be loved by everyone. It's the same with your characters.

I hate people who do this. I don't like to throw the term 'Mary Sue' around, but if your character is loved by everyone.. It's a good sign that said character is a Mary Sue.

It's pathetic, it's annoying, it's useless. Everyone wants their main character to be likable. Otherwise people wouldn't read it!  But having everyone else love your character, isn't going to make your readers like them.

Of course they can be popular and be loved by many. Of course they can be one of those people who are difficult to hate. But don't ever make them loved by everyone. No one, I repeat, no one, likes that. At all.

There are people who are widely liked. But it isn't because they're "perfect." There are always valid reasons.

For example:

I love my brother because he's funny, I've grown up with him and he's loving and kind. (He's my twin, he has autism, a speech disorder, and a few learning disabilities.)

I love my friend because she genuinely fucking cares about everyone.

I love this guy I know because he's looks out for everyone, and he's really creative.

I love this girl I know because she's everything I aspire to be. She's kind, funny, clever, you should follow her, she's Oaapha...

What about in a Warriors setting? (Non-canon characters)

Fawnheart loves Echoeyes because she's accepting and free-spirited.

Ducktail loves Acornclaw because he's so bright and fun to be around.

Nightstar loves Velvetfur because she's deep and empathetic. (A reference to my fanfic? Of course.)

Sparrowwing loves Jaythroat because he's fair-minded and witty.

See? All reasons, not just "Everyone loves Silverangel because she's pretty and perfect!! 1!"

So, what about the tragic 'Everyone hates me and I'm bullied for both reason waaaaaah' characters? Also revolting. They make me want to vomit out my intestines and strangle the writer with them.
(V i o l e n c e)

No one is ever hated by everyone. Literally. Some people are hated by almost everyone, but never everyone.

No one is ever hated without a reason. Some examples?
I hate this guy in my class because he makes racist and transphobic 'jokes' (He's just an asshole, in general)

I get really fucking pissed at one of my friends, because she acts superior to my other friends and I, and can be vEry closed-minded, and doesn't consider other's opinions.

I hate this girl in my art class at school because she's a bully and a bitch.

I hate this group of immature boys in my art class after school. Because they're immature and annoying.

See? Make a list of some people you hate and why. There's always a reason. (Although that reason may end up blurred and you just hate everything that they do.)

Some Warriors examples?
(Non-canon characters)

Blackspots hates Skyflight because she's really shallow.

Voleheart hates Iceeyes because he was her partner in a battle and ran away, leaving her to fight alone.

Flamefur hates Brightspring because she is an insensitive asshole.

Pumpkinpelt hates Rabbitbite because he was once a bully.

See? There are some reasons that are all valid!

If you are going to create a character who is widely hated, then that's fine! We can all think of a person who is hated by almost everyone, right? Just remember, if you're going to do this, have a fucking reason.

The best thing you can do is have a balance. Have a character who is disliked by some, liked by others. Hated by some and loved by others. It is realistic, which helps people connect better with your character.

Just have a normal cat, not some "I'm so special, there'll be a prophecy about me!!" cat. No one likes those.
No one.

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