BloodClan fics

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Please remember to keep all limbs inside the roller coaster, kids, you don't want to cut yourself on the edgyness as we go past. 

Ah, BloodClan. The dudes who appeared in one book, fought the Clans, disbanded after Firestar murdered their leader, and appeared once more in the overrated Scourge book.

 Now, BloodClan themselves are fine - They provided an interesting drama, and Scourge himself is a fairly interesting character. (Though really, giving him a Tragic Backstory wasn't needed at all.) However both Scourge and BloodClan have been ruined by the fandom - Scourge is now depicted as some edgy emo, and BloodClan this edgy bunch of murderers. 

I personally have never read a BloodClan fic, but I did have a nosy around the tag and read summaries.

And as I expected and have been told, they're absolute shit.

They all seem to be written by edgy eleven year olds with no writing skills. No, seriously.  The first one I see that isn't a roleplay? It's about a she-cat chosen to become Scourge's mate, because he needs an heir. From what I know of it, the she-cat believes that Scourge is a shithead, but I'm assuming she falls in love with him anyway. After a read of the last few chapters - yes, she does. 

This has been done countless times before. No one wants to see another goddamn fic about someone wanting to get in Scourge's pants, or more likely, Scourge wanting to fuck the main character, because y'all fuckers just love to make your oc's the type that everyone loves. They're just whole fics of mate desperation. There's nothing wrong with romance, or books centered around it - just for the love of Nightstar (My lord and savior) make it interesting. P l e a s e.

Not to mention that they all start off as kits. WhY ? Are we supposed to feel connected to the protagonist or something ? I really don't see the point. Kits usually tend to be boring because as children, their personalities haven't fully developed yet. 

And then there are the Revenge Of BloodClan fics. Seriously ? There's no need for that. It's dull. We've seen it all before. And there are so many of these. Literally, it's all I can see aside from roleplays. 

And then there are the Random She-cat Who Decides To Rebuild BloodClan Fics. These are so irrational. These cats have grown up being taught that the Clan system is right and superior and better than all other lifestyles. They've been taught to hate BloodClan. So why do they suddenly decide to rebuild BloodClan. Now these have potientual if written correctly. I mean, I was brought up Christian and now I'm an atheist. But people miss out the important and interesting part of this concept - the change. What makes someone who is raised to be one thing, choose to be another ? What changes inside them, what makes them see ?

Now, there was one that caught my eye, though it was written badly and only the concept was any good. It was what happens to BloodClan after Scourge's death. And that isn't even that complex - that's how low the standards are.

Seriously, at least try to be original. Or better yet, don't write about BloodClan at all.

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