New relationships

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(Whats up everyone? Now that Yuki has bending powers I have ideas on what she should use em for😅 but I've been tremendously busy with school and all that...also my mind is really lost so..but I'll try my best)

We packed our stuff and started driving home. Everyone was silent and it bothered me, the fact that I'm in a car with two brats made me want to knock myself out. I rolled my eyes and started humming. It was awkward.

We drove a couple of miles and she dropped me off at a bus stop. "Thanks guys but why are y-" before I could finish my sentence they sped away laughing and I could hear music blasting. "Oh we just gotta speed away and leave her on a sidewalk in the middle of the night" I said in a mocking voice. "What could go wrong"

I start walking home and the wind howls as I shiver. I exhale, my breath was visible but for a moment fire came out. "S-so c-cold" I stopped shivering and suddenly feel warm as I blow out and fire came out. "Comes in handy" I walk to my house, open the door then plop down in my bed only to realize that tomorrow I have school.

"Uggggggggg" I had my face on my pillow then I sigh and fall asleep.

The next morning hit like a tornado so I yawned, got up and dressed. I went to school in my usual blue tank top, a brown jacket around my waist a white converse, my brown hair covered half my face as I walk in.  "Another day in hell" I sighed and walked to my class but no one was there so looked around and saw they were outside.

I walked out to the field where Kat grabbed my arm and pulled me. "What's going on?"

"The teacher said we can watch the boys play a game of soccer. Which means no class plus no homework"

<this is great. No homework, no class so we get to see them play> I sighed and smiled. "That's cool" They watched them play. "They're surprisingly good" I folded my arms and pretended to act cool.

"I bet you can do better" Kat looked at me and smiled. "How bout you meet me after school and we can practice, maybe show me what you got?"

"Uh sure" I smiled back. "I'm actually not that good..." I shrugged.

"Nonsense" she pulled her down to the grass and sat down then watched.  After what it seemed like a long time, everyone went inside a resumed the day until the clock hit 3:00 so everyone went home except Yuki and Kat.

Yuki was waiting outside when Kat walked over with a soccer ball and dropped it down to my feet. "Show me what ya got" she stepped back.

"Alright" I backed up then ran toward the ball and kicked it, the ball went flying.

"Woah...." Kat stared at the ball in awe as she looked back at me.  "Wow Yuki that was amazing" her face brighten.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"I'm going to get us some snacks cause that was awesome" she squealed a little and jogged over to the vending machine.

"Watch out!" Someone shouted and as Kat came back with some fire flakes. "Yuki look at!" She shouted as she saw a football flying toward me.

I looked saw a shadow of something so I turned and put my hand out where I caught the speeding ball in one hand inches away from my face.

Kat stared at me and ran over. "Woah-how the-w-hat" she rambled. "How?!"

I lowered my hand and looked at her. "I-I have a e arm..." I heard someone shouting and ran to me.

"I'm sorry about that...I lost my coordination" he chuckled and looked at me. "Oh hey Yuki"

"Ryuu?" She replied and smiled. "I think this belongs to you" she handed him the ball.

He took it from her. "Thanks, hey that was an amazing catch by the way" he smiled at me.

"T-thanks"  I blushed a little. "I used to play catch with my dad"

"Oh cool" hey, if you want to maybe we can play together sometime?"

"That would awesome" My face lit up and I smiled brightly.

"Well, I'll cya around" he ran off.

"Phew" I turned to Kat who was staring at me with her hands on her cheeks and her mouth wide opened with her eyes sparkling. "Gahhawwwwwwwwww" no words came out just....noises.  "You two look adoraaaaable!!" She squealed.

My face got flushed with red, looked like I was ready to pop. "Shut up, shhh" I couldn't stop myself from smiling so I did the only rational thing. I chased her. "Come back here!" I ran to her but she sprinted like a jack rabbit. <yeesh she's fast>

She ran and ran. "You and Ryuu K. I. S. S. I. N. G hahaha" she mocked me and before we knew it she went to her car where her mom was waiting for her then hopped in finally driving off. I walked home with a big smile but an embarrassed look on my face.

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