The Raging Storm

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I looked around and blinked but notice I was strapped to a chair. I only had a hospital gown and I was barefoot so I tried looking around but the light was dim, I winced as my body suddenly feel bruised and the pain spreads throughout my body all at once. It hurt a lot but as I looked around, I saw a figure lying on the ground motionless. I squinted until my eyes got adjusted to the low light but it was Damon. "D-damon..." My voice was shaky, I tried to get to him but heard a door open so I stayed still.

The man walked over to me and pulled my hair and I narrowed my eyes and grunt but chills went up my spine, I realized that he tortured me. I was frightened as he pulled my chin so I could look at him. "You were a bit of a struggle but I'm glad you cooperate but Damon, you should've heard him screaming for you. He chuckled. "It was fun but he finally broke so" he pushed her chin back and twirled my hair. "I got what I needed."

Tears form in my eyes. "Y-you killed him..?" I got angry and cried. "I'll kill you!" I struggled but when I did it hurt tremendously.

"Don't worry, you'll see your friend very soon" he laughed Andreas about to walk out of the room. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you" he whipped out his phone and showed her a news report. It was about a man and a women executed in a prison yard yesterday. "I'll let you guess who they are" he walked out. "My apologies"

"!" I struggled more but ended up hurting myself more but I stop and cry but I felt a presence and someone lifting my head was the figure. I felt the figure wipe my tears. 

"No more tears..." I finally saw the figure and it was a small girl with white hair, bright blue eyes and her skin was as white as paper. "Let's fight it"

I stared at her. "Why me? What does this have to happen to me?"

She tilted her head. "Everything happens for a reason" she put her hand to my cheek.  "You set me I'll set you free" she touched my forehead and started to fade. "Bye bye....forever" she disappeared as another girl was in her place. This girl had jet black hair, bright blue eyes and her skin was the same color. 

"Ok so let's beat the crap outta people so no one dies, alright" she spoke sternly and touched her forehead. "I'll even help you out" she started to fade as well.

Leaving me in the emptiness of my mind so I closed my eyes and when I opened them to see that I was in the room, I had my head down and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

The man came back in and had a needle. "This should come along nicely." He looked at me. "What's wrong sweetie?" He came close to me.

As fast as a serpent, my hand grabbed his collar. I looked up at him and my eyes were pure white, I stood up as the ropes easy broke and I thrusted my arm out to blast air at him making him fly back. My hands closed into fists and I started walking toward him slowly so with everything step the ground cracked....I had that much power. "I'm not letting you take anything away anymore!" I blasted him with fire and water.

Damon weakly opened his eyes. "Y-Yuki...." Everything was blurry but he saw fire and two people fighting.

I had tears in my eyes as I sent metal toward him and pinned him to the wall then punched him rapidly. I threw him across the ground before I bent the metal and it wrapped around him like having your friend wrapping your other friend  in toilet paper on a time limit, I slowly closed my fists as I heard the man scream....I finally closed my hand.

I looked at the guy lying motionless so I scream loudly and I got outta control so the roof broke off, the walls crumpled down and everything got blown off with tremendous force.

Damon easily got pushed back by the roaring winds but he regained some strength to pull himself up. "Yuki....n-no..." He forced himself to get up even though he felt like dying, he forced himself to stand up, he forced himself to walk and looking at me gave him the motivation. He stumbled, almost falling along but keeping his balance; he flung himself to me but almost getting blown away but the winds were so strong that it was literally pulling his skin off but he managed to get to her and hugged her tight. "Stop!" He yelled but could barely hear anything.

I couldn't feel anything except this surge of energy that was now slowly killing me but the power slowly faded away and I felt something on me, I slowly looked down to find him squeezing me. "'re alive.." My voice was still intertwined but I fell limp.

We both crashed to the floor and he sat up then put my head on his lap. "I'm here..." He said in a low voice. "You're ok...I got you." He moved some of my hair from my face.

"S-sorry I got outta control..." I weakly smile at him. "I'm so tired.."

"I'm tired to but you have to keep going" he kissed me slowly. "I love you...Yuki and I want to be with you"

I couldn't react that much but I looked at him. "I-I" I couldn't talk but I kissed him back but I felt his body go limp. "Damon?" I nudged him. " have to stay with have to keep going.....for me" I laid on his lap as tears streamed down my cheek as I closed my eyes.

"I love you too" Everything went black.

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