The mysterious Island

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The waves crashed onto shore as I was barely conscious on the wet sand. When I opened her eyes, my vision was blurry and everything was spinning but I saw two figures carry me away but blacked out again. I woke up again and sat up then looked around to find myself  on a hammock inside a wooden hut. I got up and walked out but I squinted as the blinding light hurt my eyes so I walked out and felt sand under my feet, hearing the waves crash and the smell of sea salt. "Where am I?" I thought as I walked outside more but felt a pain in my chest.

"You're awake" a girl walked up to her and smiled. "How are you feeling?" She looked about nine or ten.

"I'm....fine I guess.." I rubbed my head. "What happened? Where am I?" I looked at the girl

Her voice was quiet and squeaky. "We found you washed up unconscious on the beach with a piece of metal next to your heart. We tried to patch everything up and did our best to keep you alive." She smiled. "Your eyes were glowing a little...what was with that?"

I looked down. "I don't know" I blinked.

"What wrong?" She titled her tiny head and frowned. "I'm Chloe and welcome to my vacation house" she giggled and grabbed my hand then started running towards a small bundle of little huts but behind them were a beach house. "Me and my brother live up here" her blue eyes lit up as she heard her brother calling. "Let's go!" She yanked me to the beach house and ran inside. "Bro I'm home!!" She exclaimed.

"Chloe stop yelling....I don't need another headache.." A boy came into view as he rubbed his head. He had brown hair, orange fiery eyes and coca skin. Basically the same as his sister..except the eyes but still. He looks at me "You're awake...I'm glad" he smiled. "Would you like anything?"

I shook my head. "I'm good..."

Chloe looked at me then at him. "This is my brother, Roku" she went and hugged him.

"Nice to meet you, Chloe and Roku" I smiled weakly. Something about Roku felt familiar....I can't explain it but I feel like I've met him...maybe it's another guy but I can't put my finger on it. "What is this place" 

He walked toward me. "This is called Kyohi Island. It used to be a little smaller but we made a way to expand it. Do you want anything to drink, miss?" He asked nicely.

My mouth felt dry and felt tight when I tried to swallow. "Water please?"

He nods and goes to the kitchen and Chloe follows him.

I saw a chair and sat down but I heard Chloe talking to Roku so I get up and walked over and kinda ease dropped on what they were saying, which isn't bad...right?

"Roku I saw her eyes glow...maybe she's the avatar...." She said quietly. "I just know it and she came protect us like in the stories I've been reading" she smiled brightly

He sighs. "Have you been reading those stories at night? They're filling your head with nonsense and if she was the avatar she would've been her long ago...we've been waiting to long. They already dumped us here like garbage so where is our savior huh?" He go the water glass

She shook her head. "She has a light inside her, I just know it. I'm not giving up hope and you shouldn't either."  She went out and saw me soon the chair. "Here" she hands my the glass of water.

"Thanks..." My head throbs as I started finally.... tingly.

"Whats you're name?" Roku came out and sat in front of me but crossed his arms.

I looked at him. "I-I don't know...all I remember is waking up here"

"You probably have amnesia judging from the bruise you got on the side of your head." He looked at Chloe then back at me. "Are you a bender?"

"A...bender?" I tilted my head. "Whats that?"

He rolled his eyes and whispered to Chloe. "I told you" he looked back at me. He was about to say something but he saw Chloe thrust her arm forward to water-slap me. "Chloe what are y-" his eyes widened as he saw my eyes glow white and blocked the water. " it is true"

Chloe giggles. "See, i told ya" she laughed

My eyes stopped and I let go of her arm. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I looked at her who was giggling and his stared at me, eyes widen.

"What do you mean what? Do you remember anything that happened?"

"What happened." I looked puzzled

He closed his eyes and sighed. "You better be right" He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. "Lets see is she's for real" he looked at Chloe. "Try and attack her" he folded his arms.

My eyes widen a little. "wait shes gonna what now" I raised my eyebrow a bit.

Chloe raised her arms as she starts pulling the waves back, she then used to streams of water to wrap around my legs that started pulling me deeper and deeper. "You can do it!" She cried out as she saw me slowly fade into the ocean. She made the water rise and crash over my head.

I struggle to get to the surface but I close my eyes and scream. I thrust my hand forward as I blast myself like an aqua-jet and toss me to the shore. I cough up some water as I'm on my hand and knees breathing heavily. "What...was that?!" I stood up and looked at them. "Why did you almost drown me!" Steam emitted of me as I get angrier.

"I-Im sorry..miss" she sounded scared

Roku raised a brow and started making fun and saying bad things to her. "Don't kill me later" he thought as kept saying stuff.

I got to my breaking point but one word made me snap. My eyes start glowing and my body shakes as I shoot fire at them.

He stepped in front of Chloe and bent the fire outta the way. "I guess you were right sis" he blasted fire at her. "Get in the house, now! He watched as she ran toward the house but then got thrown to the sand. "Ow.." He tries getting up but I bend the sand into a a big tower that come crashing down on him.

I smirk but my body goes limp as I pass out. My eyes dart over to a huge mountain of sand, my vision is blurry as I saw Roku scrambled outta the sand and toward me.

He sighed and picked me up. "I really hope she doesn't blow up at me later" he took me inside and laid me down on the couch.

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