The Lotus Hunters

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Damon, Lily and Carla all got up and Damon grabbed them and they went to his room so he went to his closet and pulled out three cloaks that had a symbol on them but had clothes with them. "Here you go guys" he handed the clothes to them.

Lily smiled. "Yay so are we doing this?"

He nods. "Yes" he smiled a bit. "Let's go"

Lily went into the bathroom and changed. She came out wearing a black tank top and black leggings with a black cloak with a Lotus Flower symbol and Carla changed as well but she had white tank top, black legging and a white cloak with the black symbol. " it feels weird being back into these clothes....the little mask feels weird as well." She chuckles

Carla looked at her and smiled a little. "It does feel a little weird being back in the suit." She moved around. "Where is the slowpoke". She folded her arms

Damon came out a black tank top, black pants and a solid black cloak with a red Lotus flower symbol . "Everyone ready?"

"Yep...ya know it'll be cool if we were called the Shadow Hunters" she started walking out.

"The Lotus Hunters sound more awesome" Carla looks at her but look at Damon. "Right? I mean it does sound more menacing doesn't it?"

He looked at her. "It does but I could go either way actually" he shrugged and put his hood up. "Follow me" he started walking and brought Max along.

They followed him as he walked to a place where he fought Ryuu and where Yuki....disappeared. He whistled and Max sniffed the air but runs inside. "Max! Get back here" he whistled quietly but ran inside followed by Carla and Lily

Max ran and stopped suddenly as he got growled and barked, his ears went down but his tail was in between his legs. His eyes fixated on the shadowy hall where but he heard a whistle which made him walk back the Damon.

Damon scratched his head and looked around. "Lily, take Max and check outside for any clues."

"On it" She nodded as she snapped her fingers. "Come on boy" she started walking as the dog followed her. She smiles as she jogged outside.

Carla looked at Damon. "What clues can we find here?" She looked around. "There's just a broken machine and apparently some kind of oxygen mask..." She went closer to it and it was all dusty so she wiped it with her hand and blow it. When she did, the tank fell which made a small crack, a foul odor erupted from the tank cause Carla to gag. "That smell!" She held her nose as she backed up. She squinted as she saw spots of blue on the inside. "Thats just....ew"

He rolled his eyes and looked closer at it. "What the hell?" He covered his nose but heard his name so he looks up.

Lily runs beside Max who had something in his mouth. Damon. Carla." She ran to them. "Max found something"

Damon walked over and took a piece of blue cloth from his teeth and examined it. "This must've fallen off when the metal ripped her skin" He thought. "Maybe Max can track it" he held it up to the dog's nose. "Come on max, find her"

The dog dashed off, barking and had it's ears up. He began howling

"He's got something" he began running. "Let's go guys!" He continued but looked back to see that Lily and Carla were running behind him. He continued running, following Max down to a shore and barked at the sea. "Whats wrong buddy?" The dog went into the shallow end but reeled back. He sniffed the air and ran to a small speedboat nearby, he ran and jumped in then barks and wags his tail.

They all followed as Carla hopped in a started it instinctively. "Why are we here?" They sped off

Lily looks at her then Max. "Well it looks like he found her.." She scratched his ear. She looked at the place slowly fade behind her.

A man stepped out the shadowy hallway and walked to where the oxygen mask was. "They were here...I'll be waiting for their return" he had a crooked smile.

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