Endgame pt. 3: The Last Stand

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He recovered from the blow and looked at her but laughed. "This is new. Show me your new abilities that you have obtained" he smirked and dashed toward her then jumped up and sent a shock wave, sending her flying back he attempted to stab her. "Night night" he thrusted his arm toward her.

She smirked as she saw him then ducked outta the way suddenly, Damon blocked it with his arm and he elbowed him as hard as he could but in doing so, got his consequence.

Ryuu didn't hold back and with a crooked smirk he  touched Damon's forehead. "Good bye"  and with that said, he let dark energy out which then he said quietly: "weak" Damon's body starts turning dark then slowly started to dissolve into dust. He blasted a wave of energy at him once more then watch he disintegrates completely.

I look up only to see Damon get disintegrated. "....D-Damon...?" My legs shakily walked to where he was then drop to my knees and laid my head on the ground crying. "NOOO!!" The ground starts to shake.

Lily goes over to Chole and picked her up but felt a faint heartbeat. "Was she breathing this whole time.." She said quietly and looked back at me then got Carla and Roku to a safe place.

Ryuu turned to me. "Are you sad because I killed your boyfriend."

"W-why..why are you doing this?!" I kept my head down so I wouldn't loose control.

"My eyes were open as to what you really are" he walked closer. "My eyes became open, Yuki. I see the truth and with you outta the way I can help people, I can protect them from you" he kicked me with tremendous force so I fly back and crash into a building. "Lets see what you got"

I rush outta the building at him, my eyes were glowing while I erupted with frustration. I tackled him and punched him rapidly then stomped on the ground so earth chunks get tossed at him that knocked him back then I blast him with water and fire.

He got hit to the ground but immediately got back up and shot a stream of darkness toward me then sprinted toward me and engaged in a fist fight .

I dodged the stream and block almost all of the hits so I kick him in the gut then float up with all the elements surrounding me. "You have lost" my voice was intertwined.

He chuckled. "Are you sure about that" his voice sounded twisted and demonic. With that, he ran under me and shot lighting-like darkness toward my back.

When it hit me I screamed and everything went black then I got sent flying to another building with a pile of earth around me. The earth crumpled on top of me while I didn't appear to not be moving.

"Is that all you got" he walked toward me and laughed. "For the avatar, you are quite-" he raised an eyebrow.

There was a little crack where he could only see my glowing eye. I thrust my arm out and grab his neck and appear from the rocks.

"Looks like you have a bit of fight left in you, don't you?" He smirks and tried to hit her in her side.

I didn't say anything and grabbed his arm with lightning speed then I push him back a little and shot a violent gust of wind then floats up with all the elements surrounding me. Lighting strikes near me, Metal from building starts tearing off the structures. "You cannot win!" I force all the elements at him, rush at him but that left me vulnerable.

He got flung back and fell to the ground but he got up and chuckled. "You think you're saving this city! I'm saving this city from you!" He shot deadly hits of darkness and starts running at me, he had nailed me in the back then he made a growing ball of darkness.

I tackled him, my eyes were still glowing but now turning into a purple-ish color. "I...won't let you destroy my home" I grit my teeth but then a thought struck me. I was destroying my own city...I did more damage than he did...I caused them die...I caused Damon to die..Chole...max...died....lily got hurt badly. Everything was because of me. I closed my eyes as I felt myself get corrupted but I kicked and punched him more. "My parents got killed because I did nothing!" I thought to myself.

Ryyu smiled. "You're becoming corrupt I see?" He kneed me in the stomach "just let me kill you and the pain will go away" he punched my throat p.

I coughed. "I'm...not letting..you or me win.." I'm done.." I clenched my fists and lightning strikes near me again then I struck him. "If I'm going down, your coming with me!" I narrowed my eyes and slowly started walking towards him.

"That's very selfless of you but you'd be do it for nothing" he narrowed his eyes but kept the smirk then blasts a stream of darkness that collides with the lighting so it was more powerful. "You will lose and they will finally be safe from you!" He applied more power.

I get pushed back a little and I do the same but when I push the lighting forward, my arm breaks. "I won't let you.." I keep walking but this much energy can't course through my body. The point at which the energy collided, they started building up like a tighten pipe with water building up, it finally exploded and went back toward both of them.

Everything went black after that.

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